EMO HAIR (Marshall Lee x Reader)

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     I walk through the crowded city streets, dodging dull faced office workers. My black skinny jeans, leather jacket, and bright red high tops stand out among the dull grey suit jackets and pants. I am completely lost.

     I was trying to get to my poetry class, but somehow I ended up in the business district. I was quickly absorbed into the crowd and pushed along with everyone else. Now I have no clue where I am. I see a man up ahead furiously walking towards me. He’s staring at his phone and his briefcase is partially open with papers sticking out everywhere. To say the least, he looks a bit frazzled. I try to move out of his way, but the sidewalk is too crowded with people, and there's nowhere for me to move. He isn’t looking, and he runs right at me, shouldering me out of the way in the process. I’m pushed aside, hair in my eyes.

     I was expecting to be pushed into a crowd of cranky office workers, but I push the hair out of my face to see that I am in a dark alley. I look behind me at the sidewalk, and then back down the alleyway. The sidewalk is so crowded with people that the alley actually looks more inviting, so I start walking, splashing in dark puddles as I go. I dont even care if I get to my poetry class anymore, I’m already late.

I stroll down the alley, kicking pebbles and bits of garbage, looking at the ground. Suddenly I see a pair of red high tops in front of me, identical to mine. I look up to see a guy who looks about my age smirking at me. He has perfect emo hair – I freaking love guys with emo hair – and his eyes seem to stare into my soul.

“H-hello?” I say, nervous to be meeting anyone in a creepy alley.

“Hey babe. What’s your name?” he asks, leaning back in the air. Wait a second... Leaning back in the air!? How did I not notice before...? This guy is literally floating in the air!

“I’m (your name)” I say, trying to sound confident, when really the fangirl inside of me is a sobbing wreck on the floor.  This guy is seriously perfect.

“Care to explain the floating?” I ask, looking him up and down. He has on a red flannel shirt, black skinny jeans, and red high tops. He flips back his black hair, revealing his gorgeous dark eyes.

“Standing is too mainstream” he says in a sexy voice.

“Fair enough” I say jokingly. I wrack my brain, trying to think of every pick up line I’ve ever heard. “You’re going to bed? Well, can I Slytherin?” no... He might not get the reference. Plus, he isn’t going to bed. “I’m a magician, I can make your virginity disappear” no, way too creepy. And who's to say he's a virgin in the first place? Suddenly I realize there has been quite a gap in the conversation. I look up and see he’s gone.

“Shit...” I whisper, extremely disappointed. Before I can start walking again, I feel someone’s breath on the back of my neck.

“Boo!” I hear in my ear, and a little yelp escapes my throat as I turn around. It’s the guy. The perfect guy. (Who I've just realized I still don't know the name of). He laughs at my reaction, but I also think he’s laughing because I showed obvious disappointment when I thought he was gone. Now he knows I’m into him.

“Hey!” I say, lightly punching him in the arm.

“What can I say? I’m a bad little boy...” He says seductively while floating past me. I blush, and I know he can tell because he smirks.

“So, what did you say your name was again?” I ask.

“I’m Marshall Lee” he says, putting his feet on the ground for the first time since we’ve been talking. He looks at me, gives me the cutest and sincerest little smile, and grabs my hand.

“Lumpy Space Prince is throwing a party in the woods; it's gonna be freaky nasty. Let's go” he says, taking my hand. He doesn't even ask. He must know I was going to say yes anyways.

“Lumpy Space Prince?” I ask, confused. What kind of a nickname is that? I’ve been starring into Marshall’s mesmerizing eyes, and when I look around, I see that we are in a forest. I’m actually really confused about everything right now, but I don’t even care, because Marshall Lee just asked me out.

“Yeah, let’s go” I say. I realize he’s still holding my hand. We start walking, and he keeps holding my hand the whole time. Every time he touches me I get a giddy feeling inside of me.

We joke and laugh the whole way to the party. It’s in an old abandoned house in the woods. As soon as we walk in, blaring music hits my ears. I see who I assume to be Lumpy Space Prince (the name makes sense now) in the back of the room taking shots with a bunch of people made out of candy. On the other side of the room I see an uptight looking guy made out of bubblegum trying to hand a girl some cream puffs. The girl looks pretty awesome; she has a bunny hat and a pink glowing sword. I see Marshall look at her longingly, and for a moment I feel jealous, but when the girl kisses the bubblegum boy on the cheek, and Marshall turns back to me, I know that he would rather be with me. I look at Marshall, wondering what he wants to do. He puts his arm around my waist.

“Let’s go upstairs” he whispers in my ear, his breath tickling my skin. We start walking up the stairs, and he keeps his arm around me the whole time. We walk into the first room we see, and it turns out to be a TV room. Marshall closes the door behind us, and we sit down on the sofa together. He doesn’t turn on the TV. Instead, he looks at me. He looks like he is about to kiss me, but he doesn’t. He just stares into my eyes, and I stare back. I could look at his eyes all day. Suddenly his lips are on mine and his hands on my hips. His lips are so soft I feel like I could just melt into him. I put my arms around him and kiss him back.

When we finally pull away from the kiss, I open my eyes to see we are standing in the alleyway again. What the hell just happened? He’s leaning back in the air with a knowing look in his eyes and a smirk on his face. He puts his hands on my shoulders and kisses my cheek. I’m blushing pretty hardcore, and totally flabbergasted. He smirks his sexy smirk once more, and floats away down the alley.

I guess I’ll never really know what happened.


P.S the moral of the story is, date guys with emo hair, things will work out for you.


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