Chapter 1 : The opening

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"I wonder what we are designing in eighth period today. We finally finished those 6 dresses." I was listening to Jakiya go on and on about her fashion design class.

"What were y'all designing for?" I asked her, rubbing my chin trying to make it seem like I was truly interested in what she was going on about.

"Don't be a whore all your life." I laughed at her foul mouth.

"I won't. I'll be somebody whore some day." I giggled at her horrified face and gave her a thumbs up as we spit our ways to go to our last class of the day. I was actually excited to go into Rotc class today. I'd been hearing from Sgt. Thomas A day class about a trip. It was a surprise place to where the trip would be.

"Hey Re!" my best friend, Raelyn attacked me as soon as I walked into the portable. "Have you heard about the trip Sgt. Thomas suppose to take a few people on." She was a sucker for traveling just like me.

"Yea I've been hearing about it, but where do we sign up at?" I asked looking around the classroom.

"Sgt. will becoming in here in a little while to speak to us about it, but those sheets on his desk is a bunch of questions for you to answer." She pointed to a fairly thick stack of papers on his desk.

"I need everyone quiet and in their seat now!" our Sgt.. came in and announced. "I will explain these rumors about the trip as soon as everyone has settled down."

"First, you can not go if you are not 18 or older." alot of people faces fell, half of the class was 16 and 17. With that announcement that only left a good 15 of us left.

"Next thing is it will only be girls, boys your trip will come in may." now that only left 13 of us, there weren't many boys 18 or older in this class period anyways.

"Now the final thing will be, the rest of you that are still able to can get a packets, but out of the 13 of you plus the ones in my other 5 periods. I will only be picking 5 of you young ladies. So raise your hand if you're still up to try."

I raised my hand as Sgt. came around with about a 4 page packet. He smiled at me for some reason as he handed me my copy.

"Please have this packet completed by next B day, Which is Wednesday to be qualified to go on the trip, we leave this Friday." He smiled as he looked at the girls who had the packet.


"Are you sure you want to go on a trip were you don't even know where you're going?" my mom beautiful brown eyes shinned with worry as she spoke on the rotc trip.

"Yes mom, If he do choose me, I'll be fine!" I signed. I had been saying the same thing since I told her about the trip an hour ago. She finally let it go and nodded at me as she went back to chopping vegetables she was going to use for dinner. I decided to stay where I was, at the kitchen bar, to complete the packet. I printed my name, date, age, birthdate, any allergies, and my signature on the first page.

The next three pages were full of questions. The first page were simple questions like "Have you ever traveled?" But as I went on to the other 2 pages the questions got a little more personal.

"Homosexual or heterosexual?"

"Are you a virgin?"

"Have you ever engaged in sexual behaviors?"

"Have you ever engaged in cult behaviors?"

To me these questions were a little personal, but I knew it was a good reason that they were asking these. I decided not to tell my mom because I knew she would flip total shit about these questions, and would try everything in her power to not let me go. I answered the questions honestly though, "Heterosexual"



"No?" The last question kinda of caught my off guard, I had no clue what how a cult behaved. Several personal questions went on, most of them was the same just reworded.In about an hour I was done with the packet. I called up Raelyn to see if she had read over the questions too.

"Hey Rae, Did you do the trip questions?" I asked hoping she did, I wanted us both to get chosen.

"Yea Re, I don't think we should turn the packet in, or even thing about still going. Those questions were a little personal and weird, don't you think?" she signed. I could tell she really wanted to go, so did I was not about to let a few questions get to me.

"Come on Raelyn. Its probably a logical reason why they want to know these questions." I tried to reason with Rae.

"I don't know Regannnn." she held my name out, letting my know I was convincing her.

"I answered my questions and will be turning it in tomorrow during our class period." I rolled my eyes prepared to hang up.

"Uhh. Alright, I'll turn mine in too. Talk to you tomorrow." I smiled and hung up.


Many people were calling the 10 girls who decided to go on about the trip crazy after the read or heard about the questions we were asked. It was now Thursday.

"Re are you ready to hear who will be going?" Raelyn asked. I simply nodded waiting on him to come on the intercome.

"You guys are fucking crazy for turning in that packet, What does you being a virgin has to do with being picked to go on a trip." a friend of ours Sarah said.

"Yea my sister showed me the questions too." Cade said.

"Maybe Friday will be the day you be someone's whore." Jakiya said laughing loudly.

"You guys need to stop seeing the dark side of things, there's probably a logical reason." I said rolling my eyes at all three of them.

Before Jakiya could make any more jokes, or before Cade and Sarah could attack my choice again the announcements came on. I looked straight at Raelyn winking.

"On today's announcements I will be announcing the 5 chosen girls to go on the surprise trip" Sgt. Thomas voice wavered over the intercome. I twiddled with my thumbs waiting on the names.

"Haven Stiller, Piper Trailer," He paused for a bit, we could hear the papers turning.

"Alannah Crater, Kalie Rashad and Regan James." I was extra happy as I looked at the four of my friends in front of me. Raelyn had slight relief on her face, Jakiya was winking at me, and Sarah and Cade gave me a disapproving look.

"A have fun would have been nice." I rolled my eyes, leaving as the bell rung.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2016 ⏰

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