Chapter 1

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Leo's pov

It all happened so fast. Annabeth was the first. Her and Percy were killing monsters left and right. But a empousiia got her distracted and stabbed her. Percy was furious. He fought with such an amount of bloodlust whatever monster looked at him coward in fear. Then it was Frank he was in the form of an lion when a manticore stabbed him from behind. Hazel was soon after. She was shot with an arrow through the chest. Jason died protecting Piper when a cyclops hit him with its club. Piper died from a broken spine as a hell hound jumped while she was distracted. Then finally it was calypso. She died when the minatour caught her off guard. That was what really set Leo off. Was he watched all his friends and girlfriend die. He, Percy, and Nico fought as one after that. Fire, water, and shadow working together killed all the monsters. But the battled wasn't over yet, they still had dirt face herself. That was how they did it Percy used the water in her body, Leo burned her from the outside, and Nico engulfed her in shadows. That was what it took for old dirt face to fall. But before she did she said" I will return and when I do you three will suffer eternally in my grasp and you will watch as I torture your friends that are left living then finally I will do the same to you as you have done to me!" Then she sank back into the earth hopefully to never wake again. ( I thought about ending it there for a cliffy but I'm not that mean)

As everyone celebrated Leo was heart broken he had just watched all well most of his friends die right in front of him. The reality of it all hit him like punch to the face. So he decided to go see if Nico and Percy would talk about it. Leo wasn't like other people other people would have shut themselves down and went to hide in their cabin and cry all day. But not Leo . Leo wanted someone to comfort him. He went over to Percy and said " Hey perce I was wondering if-" But Leo never got to finish his sentence because Percy interrupted " I don't want to hear any jokes it's not joking time so maybe you should go talk the someone else right now. Is that all you is joke both of our girlfriends and our best friends all just died in front of us. So just... So just go away." He said his voice cracking. Leo had a hurt expression on his face but he quickly covered it up with a smile. " Ya sure I'll just go then." So Leo left Percy sitting alone in front of his cabin crying.

Leo hurt. It hurt him to hear that the only friend that hadn't died thinks that he can't even take the death of loved ones or any one seriously. But then it hit him. Percy isn't the only one that hadn't died. There was also Nico. Nico Di' Angelo was also alive.

When he found Nico he was sitting at the beach. But while Leo was on his way asking people where Nico was everyone was avoiding him. Like if they got to close he might give them a nasty disease. So Leo walked over to Nico and sat down next to him and said "Hey" Nico just replied with a nod of his head. "I was wondering if you would talk with me about what happened um.. in the war." Nico looked at Leo with a mixture of shock, sadness, and confusion. " Why don't you just go ask Percy or Chiron or even coach hedge. Why go to the trouble of searching for me to talk about dead people? Is it some sort of joke to you to come talk to a child of Hades to talk about death and dead people? Cause if it is you need to stop joking around and think about what you say before it comes out of your worthless mouth!" Nico started talking in a whisper but built up to a yell. Leo didn't know what to say. So he didn't say anything he just sat there with the so of Hades looking at him with furry in his eyes. But finally found his voice as he stood up. " I was being serious you know. I need some to talk to and before I could even finish my sentence Percy told me to go away because he thought that I was a joke. So apparently that's just what everyone sees me as is a joke. That's why no o e will talk to me and why people have just been avoiding me cause all think I'm a joke. So fine I'll just leave you alone, I'll leave everyone alone! And you know what you guys won't even have to deal with my worthless mouth and endless joking any more cause I'm leaving! Leo shouted. But just as he was walking away leaving Nico in shock. Nico could have sworn that he heard Leo whisper "All I wanted was someone to talk to."

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