Chapter 1

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Hinata had a love-hate relationship with the school, the hate; was the school work and annoying teachers. The love; was being able to play volleyball and do his freak toss and spike with Kageyama.

Hinata sat at his seat in class next to Kageyama, more alert than yesterday, there have been more ghoul sightings around here, and this was Hinatas place. He owned the school, it was his territory.

He kept his head down but listened around for anything unusual.

Kageyama who sat beside him was beginning to worry about Hinata a little bit.

He's been slightly off and more aware of things these past few days, and he's not his usual jumpy self, though Kageyama knew he tried to act like everything was ok.

Kageyama shifted his eyes over to Hinata who sat there writing down his notes, he nudged Hinata, giving him a fright. It resulted in Hinata screaming, falling out of his chair and the teacher yelling at them.


Hinata winced but yelled back none the less

"Look its just that you've been acting weird and I'm kinda worried about you."

"I'm fine you don't need to worry." Hinata said.

Suddenly Hinata went stiff,
his shoulders tensed, and his head whipped around in all directions.

"Ghoul." He whispered under his breath.

"Huh??" Kageyama stared at Hinata who seemed to be in some sort of trance.

"Oi Hinata you ok?" Hinata shook his head and looked up at Kageyama who was holding his shoulders and shaking him.

Hinata suddenly got a butterfly feeling in his stomach which was strange, it was almost the way he felt after he spiked Kageyama's toss.

He jumped back and ending up tripping over his feet and nearly fell flat on his back, if it wasn't for Kageyama grabbing his hand and pulling him back up.

Hinata shook his head to clear the weird feeling away from him, but it wouldn't budge it was like it was just set in stone and stuck there.

"I-I'm fine don't worry about it."

"Ok then but don't trip and fall like that dumbass" Kageyama looked at Hinata a hint of worry in his eyes.

After school Hinata met up with Kageyama like usual at the front of the school, Hinata with his bike.

"You wanna stop off at the convenience store and get some pork buns?" Kageyama said.

Hinata nodded eagerly and walked after Kageyama, a spring to his step.

After stopping off at the store, and buying some pork buns, Kageyama and Hinata headed home.

"Oooo that toss today was AWESOME. It was all like woosshhh and then I was like POWW. It was felt great!"

"Oi I can't understand you when you talk like that dumbass."

Hinata looked at Kageyama. "Fight Me." He said with a playful smirk on his face.

"Ok then" Kageyama swung his arms out to try catch him, but the boy was faster and managed to slip away just in time and took off running down the street laughing.


Hinata's legs moved fast and each step took him further, he looked back only to nearly trip up.

Kageyama was right behind him and closing in on him.

"Oh no you don't, I'm not letting you win this time!" Kageyama called out.

"Gahh how did you catch up so fast?!?" Hinata screamed back.

"It's called being tall and having long legs!" Kageyama called out once again.

'Alright I guess I could cheat just I little bit using my ghoul speed.' Hinata thought.

Suddenly his running pace fastened and soon Kageyama was left behind and Hinata was laughing his butt off.

Hinata stopped off at the corner of the street and let Kageyama catch up.

"Jesus, how do you run so fast??!"

"I don't know I guess its just luck."
Hinata moved to the bench near by and sat down to catch his breath.

"You heard the news?" Kageyama looked down at the orange haired boy and waited for a reply.

"What news?"

"The crow was sighted again, near the city though."

Hinata tensed at the name the crow. That was him, the crow. He was a ghoul sure, but he wasn't evil, he barely eats. He has to use this bag thing and put it down his throat jur so he can 'eat'. He was sick of himself.

Why did he have to be a ghoul? Why couldn't he be just like Kageyama? A human, not some monster that everyone hates.

Of course no one knew he was a ghoul, so he was safe for now he guessed.

"Hey you ok?" Kageyamas voice filled his mind and he sighed and looked up.

"Yeah. How many times do I have to say I'm fine?"

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