Shadows Over The Joy Of Living

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Judgement and intolerance;

Are two large words in the English dictionary;

That some people just do not understand;

We seem to judge by the colour on our hands;

Who we love and all of our clothes;

Where we live- but no one knows;



Some people cannot stand the bullying;

That they have to end their life;

Just to stop the hurt;

Souls are lost every day

Just from the gruelling pain

Always will be hurt but will never once more

Forever in our hearts

For all the hurt souls forever more


Dedicated to Jamey Rodemeyer  (March 21st 1997- September 18th 2011) and anyone else that has been affected by bullying and depression

Paws up forever ♥


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2011 ⏰

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