hidden past

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Chapter one

My reflection in the mirror stares blankly back at me.   I see a girl with a nice body and perfect blond hair that goes down to the middle of her rib cage. Her eyes are ocean blue that swirl with secret pasts and starling images. 

           The bell rings and I glance up from the paper that Jarod has dropped on my desk.  This assignment is completely worthless. Why does this English assignment have to be so descriptive? I sigh and had the nerd the paper I wrote about him. Just as a walk through the door to the hallway. 

“Elena you are late! Come on we have to get going!”

“Kaitlin pause for a breath, I chuckled.  I’m not late chill out you can’t be late for lunch”

“Oh yes you can. I want to sit with James today and if we don’t hurry then he will be surrounded by those skanks.”  Kaitlin muttered.

“Kaitlin, when are you going to tell him?”

“Never.”   Kaitlin muttered.

“Look get over the fact that he is your best friend.  Even I think that James is hot.  You are in love with him and he loves you to. You have to tell him!”

“But, what if it ruins everything we have as friends?”  Kaitlin reasoned.

“Then who cares cause at lest you gave it a try right? I stated.

“Okay if I date James then you have to start talking to guys again.” Kaitlin said quietly.

“I do talk to guys.”  I hissed.

“Look Elena no one knows what to say to you anymore.  You where miss popular happy carefree girl one day then you miss school for a week and you become this sad loner girl, who is just a shell of who she once was.  You stopped talking for weeks, and you won’t even tell your best friend why? Kaitlin said in a quiet voice.

Elena pushed the cafeteria doors open. “I don’t have to explain myself to you! You don’t know what I’ve been through so don’t act like you can fix everything, because something’s can be fixed!” I flat out yelled at her.  No matter how hard I try I can’t fix it…   

The loud cafeteria turned deadly silent in a matter of seconds.  Elena felt there eyes on her back as she turned on her heel and walked calmly toward the line.  Whispers where drowning her. 

“What’s her problem?”

“So she is not an emotionless robot.”

“The perfect princess isn’t so perfect. Shocker there.” Some girls chuckled.

She felt herself start shaking her wolf wanted out.  She wanted to rip of Kaitlin’s head off.  What right does she have to judge us! How dare she try to fix this mess. A growl slipped past her mouth. Startled by this my shaking slowed to a stop.  I glanced around in panic. No one seemed to have heard it. My eyes scan across the tables for a place to sit.   Kaitlin’s crying into James shoulder, while James is sending daggers at me. My eyes lock with Jarod’s; he nods his head for me to sit with him.   I force my feet to move towards the table as I approach I see hostile glances sent my way from some of his friends.   They hate me I can tell, they don’t talk to people outside there group.   I have humiliated them all at one point or another.   They are known as the schools players.  I may have be popular but I didn’t date players. I gave him a small smile and walk away.   

I held my head high, and put on a blank face.  I walked out toward the court yard. I ate in silence except for the casual wave to people I used to talk to all the time. The crunching of grass besides me surprised me.   I looked up to a smiling Jarod. 

“Mind if I join you?” he asked.

“Go ahead if you want to.” I stated happily. Forcing a bright smile.

“How are you?” he asked.

I paused studying his face looking for signs of caring, and actually wanting to know how I was. “I’m fine. It was just a small fight I’ll be fine. I said slowly. His face gave nothing away.  How am I supposed to talk to him if I can’t tell if he actually cares or not?

You don’t sound like your fine.”  He stared at me intently with his clouded grey eyes.

“That’s because I have been asked that question every day for the past two weeks, and nobody has noticed that not once when I said it I was lying.”  I answered him truthfully. “I’m starting to wonder if I am truly fine and the problems are all in my head”

“Then why don’t you tell me how you really are.” He questioned me.

“Is this whole nice guy thing an act or do you really care about what I’m going to tell you.”  I looked at him, my eyes studying him with complete focus.

“I guess you have to take a chance and trust me.” He said his smoky grey eyes sparkling

“Is what you wrote down about me in English true?  About how my eyes look like they hide a secret past?”  I asked my voice full of wonder.

“I see a girl with a nice body and perfect blond hair that goes down to the middle of her rib cage. Her eyes are ocean blue that swirl with secret pasts and starling images.” He recited perfectly.

“So it’s true what you said” I stated again.

“ I see a beautiful girl who is damaged and hurt on the inside but puts on a brave face and lets everyone think that she is fine and was just confused for a while. But I see a girl who cries herself to sleep at night and wakes up and puts on a mask.  Has trust issues and never lets people get to close.”

“How do you know that?” I asked with a small voice.

“My dad always said the eyes where the key to the truth. Elena if you look hard enough and ask the right questions your eyes reveal the pain hidden under them. It’s only for a split second but if the person cares then that split second is enough.”  He studied her face again.

I stared intently at him but he was lost in thought.  “so I’m a girl who had lost her way?.”

“No… you are much more than that.”   Jarod spoke softly . 

I felt the heat rush to my cheeks from the way he was looking at me, but I couldn’t bring myself to meet his gaze.

“What do you see when you look at me?

I let my eyes roam over his face, and finally his eyes. My breath caught in my throat, his gray eyes held so much emotion that it was overwhelming.

   “I see a man who is strong and tall with dark brown hair.  He has a smile that could make anyone feel better about their life. He has smoky grey eyes that have freckles of ash in them.  His eyes seem to be and endless pool of emotion.” I paused studying his eyes again. “His eyes show sign of loss but through loss he found himself stronger than ever before,  he is happy  but not as happy as he once had been.   He cares more than he should and he is easily hurt by the people he loves but he still forgives them, and continues to love them endlessly.

He turned from the place he was staring at meeting me gaze for the first time. The background noise faded and suddenly it was just him. My breath grew shallow as I stared at his endless smoky eyes. “Mate.” We said at the same time. 


authors note: I new at this whole authors thing so I want lots of feed back...  if you have any ideas or comments I would love to know!  I have redone this first chapter three times and I think this is how it will stay... (for now)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2013 ⏰

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