Big Fat Revenge

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Chapter 1 Big Fat Return

I’ve only been here for twenty-four hours and she’s already trying to shove fat down my throat.

Grimacing, I stare down at the plate of breakfast my mother has just set in front of me; bacon, sausage, pancakes, and eggs. My stomach feels bottomless staring at it all piled together. I look up at her and manage to crack a smile back at her big cheeky grin. “It’s all your favorites!” She beams. My gaze drops back to my plate and I frown.

It’s disgusting. You can’t eat that! Imagine how many calories are in it! You’d have to be at the gym all night just to burn that shit off! It’ll go straight to your fat th-

“Is everything okay?” The question snaps me out of my internal lecture and I look up to the concerned expression on my mom’s face.

No. “Yeah, everything’s fine. I’m just not really hungry... Sorry.” I reply.

She frowns, letting out a short breath. “It’s fine.. I should have asked if you wanted something to eat before making all of it anyways.” She smiles halfheartedly at me and I suddenly feel very guilty. I haven’t seen her since last summer and now that I’m with her again, the first thing I do is refuse the breakfast she got up early to make for me.

I quickly shake the guilt off and jog up the stairs. It's not my fault. She didn't ask me if I wanted a huge breakfast; I didn't ask for any of it! I walk into my bathroom looking straight down to the tile until I reach the scale. I step on and hold my breath while watching it calculate my weight.

One twenty six. I let out a huge sigh of relief, I haven't gained anything. I jump off happily and I stop to smile, admiring myself in the mirror for not giving into the breakfast my mom had tried to give me earlier.

 I turn on the shower and peel off my pajamas and toss them into a pile on the floor. I step inside to let the warm water hit my skin and sigh peacefully.

Everything is quiet except for the shower as the water beats against my skin and the tile under my feet. I turn the knob off, pausing as I listen. Is it strange that I thought I heard voices? I shake it off as paranoia and reach for the towel, wrapping it around me. This is what happens when you decide to go for a night swim, a voice whispers to me. It was too late though to regret it, the only thing to do was get dressed and go back home.

I make my way over to the bench where my bag sat, a hand suddenly touches my shoulder and I release an ear piercing scream before another hand clamps over my mouth. "Shut up before you get us caught," a voice hisses. Him.

What the hell is he doing here?

"Now. Are you going to scream?" I shake my head, waiting till he draws his hand away. I clutch the towel to my chest, spinning around to face him. Green eyes mock me as a smirk plays on his lips. "Midnight swim?"

I stare at him, void of emotion. Was he serious? A laugh echoes around the locker room and he smiles, though something was hidden underneath it. He was here to mock me, it was common knowledge by now. Boosting his self-esteem by lowering mine. "I'm not sure if you can read or not, but this is the girls locker room." My words are bold to say the least, but I was in nothing but a towel! When was this asshole going to give me a break?

I snatch my bag up, turning to leave and he stops me, grabbing my arm. I jerk away and shoot him a glare, hoping he wouldn't try touching me again. With a sigh, he rakes a hand through his hair, the smile disappearing from his face. "Dani, look, I'm sorry. I never meant any of the things I said."

Oh, please.

I step back, my eyes never leaving him as the hand tightens at the top of the towel. I couldn't figure out what he was planning here.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2013 ⏰

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