Chapter 1

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ShadowknightA: hope you enjoy!!

Shadow's P.O.V
LEAVE SG!!! No I can't not with out you!!
We both have too. WE BOTH LEFT THE NETHER TOGETHER!!!! SG yells at me .
LEAVE!!!! I yell back my eyes start to glow blood shot red. Fine! SG yells back and starts to run away from me. I'm full on Shadow knight now . I grab and slash the Shadow Knight and run but just before he dies he says Sam is coming next And slashes me in the stomach. I am limping around and finally reach the end of the woods and see a small house.

Normal P.O.V
Shadow limps closer to the house and passes out. Also SG. Is in the house

Travis P.O.V
Sg had a friend named shadow. She told me the story of her and shadow. I hear a thud out side and run outside and see a girl had collapsed on the ground. I run out to her and check her pulse she's barely alive.I take he in side I just notice her remarkable beauty. Wow. SG runs and
says Shadow!!!!! Wait this is shadow...
Yup. Wait why are you bleeding SG asks .
I'm not. I look down and see shadow Stomach and she's bleeding. Shadow is BLEEDING! BACK UP SG yells . she heals her . shadow is Coughing hard. Shadow SG yells.

Shadow P.O.V
W-where am I ??? Sg??? I open my eyes and see Sg and a guy next to her. Who is this ??? My names Travis. My names S-.
Shadow I know. How?? Sg told me.

Shadows Thoughts P.O.V
He's kinda cute to bad I bet he won't like me if I tell him that I'm a shadow Knight and I'm Lucifer's daughter...... I will never have love im to evil...... WAIT I JUST MET HIM!!!!!!

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