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10th April 2018 Christi's POV
Me and Kian's lips were some inches apart and after some seconds Kian began leaning towards me to kiss me . When he got close enough to lock his lips to mine , I heard that awful sound that an alarm clock makes waking me up from this wonderful dream
I got up and put on some black leggings and a red sweater with a pair of red Vans. I luckily had some time before the hands of the clock showed half past seven , the time when my mom gets up in order to wake up my sister ,Evelina . So I spent them watching JC and Kian's Snapchat story . Two minutes later my mum came onto the room and I realised it was time to have some breakfast and then go to school . When I finished my bowl of cereals I grabbed my phone ,bag and keys and left the house
After ten minutes of walking ,I arrived at school and headed to my classroom . The first lesson of the day was Biology where we were having a revision of all the lessons we had. At 9 o'clock the bell rang and our lesson was over . Me , Eleni, Maria ,Zoe and marina gathered and began talking about the Panhellenic exams
Z(oe): Can you beleove it that in about one !month our exams start and then we'll finally finish school?
M(aria): It seems unbelievable
Mar(ina): And a bit stressing
C(hristi): Yes but after them we will be able to study whatever we want.
El(eni): Yes that's great. Have you guys made up your mind ?
C : I have . I decided to study physiotherapy . Probably in UK or USA
M: Me too . I thinking about studying medicine in USA in order to meet Robbie Kay😍
Mar: I'm thinking about drawing but I don't know where yet .
Z: Well I haven't decided yet
El: Neither have I . But I may end up having professional dance lessons
C: That sounds great. You should since you are a wonderful dancer
El: Yeah ... Whatever 😏
By then the bell rang again and we had to head to our classrooms.
The hours at school passed at a slow pace but at least the holy hour of our returning home finally came
After leaving the school premises , I kept company to Maria until the bus arrived
C: Do you think we will make it to America and fulfill our dreams?
M: Why not?
C:And of we do manage to go to America where will we live ?
M:We could stay together. Oh the bus arrived . Got to go . Kisses

That afternoon I had a dance lesson . We had some rehearsals and some exercises to strengthen both our core and arms. After the lesson was over , I went to my house , studied my lessons and logged in Twitter . At that moment Kian had tweeted :" I haven't done a follow spree for a while so RT my tweet for a follow"
I rted and spamed him so that he would follow me. Surprisingly Kian followed me and I began fangirling. It was one of the rare times of me feeling happy .
I sent Maria and Eleni the news and both of them were glad for my accomplishment. That night I DMed Kian " Hey Kian how are you xoxo"
Five minutes before I go to sleep , I checked my phone and I noticed there was a message from Twitter. I opened it and it was from Kian telling me "hey beautiful I'm fine you ?" In reply to him I wrote " I'm fine too . I gotta go BC it's night here in Greece. Goodnight and thank you for the follow "
It was one of the greatest nights
18th April 2018
It has passed a week since Kian's follow and message and I still can't believe it. Also one more month is left until my Panhellenic exams and I need to focus on them . I also need to raise more money in order to be able to go to California
That morning was the only one that I didn't watch one of his videos. It wasn't because I didn't want to but because I didn't have time. I had to find some clothes to wear, have some breakfast and brush my teeth.

After I did all my obligations I left home and went to my school wishing to stay home and and sleep some more. I know it was one month left until I finished school, but I still couldn't stand being there
I went to my classroom just like any other day and on my way there I inadvertently fell on Christina.
C: Sorry I didn't see you
Chr(istina) : It's okay girl. Are you ready for one more boring day with tedious lessons?
C: No. I feel like I need to sleep all day. Last night I was doing my best to finish my project on biology on how cancer can be developed
Chr: And did you manage to finish it?
C: Thankfully , yes. Hey the teacher is coming , we shall get in
Chr: Yeah you're right

I spent most of the breaks drawing a photograph and quotes of Kian . I feel like I'm falling in love with him , not just adoring him and I'm 100•/. that even if we meet some day I will be just another fam to him. During every break the ringing bell always woke me up from my daydreaming.
The last lesson of the day was physical education and the teacher was sick , so me , Maria and Christina left from school. All three of us went to our homes and I checked my Twitter as I always do when I get home. Surprisingly there was a message from Kian , again. I opened and I t was some kisses and hearts. Oh my God he is wonderful. I love him I feel like he is my only one I can't imagine how my life would be without him and his immature actions
In the evening I counted the money I had raised . I'd been raising money since 2016 summer. It was 25,000€ I was so excited and proud of me because I'm the summertimes of 2016 and 2017 I was working at my dad's jewellery shop and at a coffee shop. Now only 4,900€ are left and I have no freaking idea of how I will collect them.
After counting my money , I studied me homework and then I had a bath. During my bath for a strange reason I started creating perfect scenarios with Kian. I really don't know why this was happening but I kind of liked it supposing it is the only way of spending time with him without using social media.
When I got out of the bathroom i was feeling really tired so I went to sleep after I sent a goodnight picture to Kian's Snapchat account

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