Coffee Shop

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       It's Saturday morning, everyone seems relax and stress-free but not Jeonghan. He is running to the coffee shop to finish his report. It's so cold because it's nearly winter so everyone is in their coats and jackets. It's hard to wake up when it's cold but he needs it to be submitted by Monday and apparently, he hasn't started any yet.

       He can type it in his apartment, right? But his neighbor just won't stop hitting each other's ass and hole. He couldn't even sleep comfortably every night. He is very distracted and he can't work with it properly. He needs a high performance grade.

      As Jeonghan arrives at his favorite coffee shop, he immediately orders a mocha latté and oreo cheesecake so he can have a reason to stay.

      The cashier girl smiles at him, "Name?" someone stood by his side enough for the girl to get distracted. 'Omg' he heard her whisper.

       Jeonghan didn't bother enough to look behind him because he is too busy to care. "Just put 'Han'." he put out his wallet to take out some cash.  As he gives it to the cashier, the cashier seems shocked to the money in front of her. 'What is she really up to? Is this girl weird or something?' She seems out of her mind. She give him his change and entertain the next customer as soon as he walk out to his table.

        Jeonghan is not in ponytail today. He is too busy to even care about his hair. He isn't having a bad hair day tho. It's still smooth and silky.

        During Jeonghan's highschool times, he has so many boys and girls chasing after him. He looks so gorgeous and beautiful for a guy.

        He rubs his hands together because it is so cold and he is just way too nervous for nothing. He put his hands right after to his both coat's pocket, feeling uneasy. Someone is really staring at him. He could feel it.

        He turn to look around but only saw two piercing eyes staring at him. It made him gasps and he unsurely unmeet his eyes. 'Fvck, it's awkward!' Now, it made him want to change seats with others, away from this creepy guy who doesnt seem to look away from his peripheral view.

"Mocha Latté for Han!" The girl called his latté while looking around.

         He is not sure if he will get the latté or he will just stay in his seat forever because he really feels so awkward and uncomfortable to this creepy guy's stare.

"Han, please?" The girl repeated.

        Now, some people's attention gathered looking around. 'Shiit, what to do?' He look to the guy once more and he wants to regret it because he is still staring at him while drinking his frappé.

     Getting the coffee means passing over him. He just couldn't take the thought.

       After several callings, he finally decided to get it. Carrying his laptop and notebook in his left arm, he went to the cashier to get his latté. As he walks and passes the creepy guy's table, he shivered. The guy followed him his glance as he walk. 'Who the fvcking fvck is he?!' As soon as he got his latté, he set off his speed and went straight to the door.

       He is so freaking creeped out. He's just going to resist his neighbor's disturbance instead of this creepy man's glance. His legs are startled as he walk fast. He can't believe he has a stalker now.

       As he recall the guy's appearance, he has this long and thick eyelashes, small but thick lips with it's natural color red, his raven hair.  He is a perfect overall feature, but he is just too familiar.-

      Someone grab his shoulder that made him turn around leaving him to face the mysterious guy he wants to unmeet. They both looked surprised but Jeonghan is more surprised in his looks. He is stoned, he can't move, he don't know how to run suddenly anymore. 'This guy is much handsome in close up'.

     "Uh, Jeonghan, right?" His voice is so manly and deep. Perfect for a rapper.

       He is not sure if he's going to expose his name or deny it but, "Yes, I'm Jeonghan. Wait, what! How do you know my name?! What now? Are you stalking me?! Who are you to follow me around?! You creep me out! Please stay away from me I have nothing to give to you! If you don't, I'm going to call the police-"

      "Relax, i was just about to give you your ID that fell out of your pocket earlier while you are paying for your order. Don't get me wrong, I don't have any bad intentions." The raven haired chuckled and with that, he walks away from Jeonghan leaving him dumbfounded with his ID in his hand.

      "Hi! I just want you to know, you are so beautiful." As Jeonghan reads the small paper given at the same time with his ID underneath it by the creepy man he thought was.

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