Unfortunately Unfortunate

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Dan's POV

It's been a while since Pen has come home and it's beginning to worry both Phil and I. We know she said she'd be a while but six hours is not what we were expecting. Both of us insisted that she shouldn't go, but Pen was determined. It's crossed my mind a few times as to if we should look for her, but it isn't necessary to make a major deal about a problem that could be so little.

Picking up my conveniently located phone and dialling in Penelope's number, I listen to the annoying rings.

It eventually goes to voicemail which further worries me as Pen is one to always pick up the phone.

Pen's POV

The sound of my phone ringing echoes through the empty, cold room. If only there was a chance I could break free of these ropes that have been tied around me. The last thing I remember is standing outside Costa. I'm not sure who has captured me, or what they want, but right now my only focus is to stay calm.

"Well well, looks like someone has gotten themselves a little... Tied up" A familiar voice snarls,


"The one and only",

"Why am I here? Was this is a trick?",

"Well yes. You see, there's someone I need to lure here, and you're the best bait",


He doesn't reply, but there is a loud thud which sounds a lot like a door being slammed shut. Okay, I need to find something to help me cut loose these ropes. They're not very heavy duty to be honest, but they're also not exactly the ones you can easily break. Friction maybe? Beginning to force the ropes against the chair, I hope that this will eventually cut them free.

Dan's POV (sorry about the POV changes, since this can only be one chapter long I need to do this in order to put as much detail in as I can)

"Phil, this is the fourth time I've called her, something is wrong",

"Are you sure?",

"Yes! I'm going out to look for her",

"I'm coming with you then",

Not arguing with reasons against why he should follow me, we both exit the flat, locking the door behind us. After making our way down the stairs and out of the building, we begin walking in the direction of Costa. That's where Pen said she would be meeting a friend, so it's a good place to start.

In case someone has done something to her, we decide to investigate any alleyways that we may come across.

So far there have only been two which had remained empty, but there is another one just ahead. Walking in, something catches my attention a few metres forward. Running up to the objects, I instantly identify them as Penelope's keys.

"Phil look".

He see's the keys that I'm holding and a worried expression instantly makes it's way onto his face.

"They're Pen's, aren't they" Phil states.

"Yes, which means that something has happened".

"Crap, I left my phone at home",

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