Karkat meets Your\Name!

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*Your\Name pov*
When you were skating down the sidewalk from Mutunas you accidentally ran into this guy named Karkat Vantas. and he said are you okay? you felt a little nahchios and you fell down and he carried you and your skateboard to his place. you ask were are you and you end up in kk room. when you woke up he asked if you are okay.
*Karkat pov*
Kk went out of the room and Sollux said if she OK ? and kk said IT WAS ALL MY FUCKING FAULT!!! he ran to his room got Your\Name and put her on the sofa. he ran to his room and started to cry.
*Your\Name pov*
she got up trying to go back to kk's room. but you were really dissy. she fell agaisted the wall. you got up and told kk you needed help. and you started to cry. he came and he helped you get seddled and he gave you a kiss on the check and both of you faces started to red.
*third person pov*
Your\Name went home and kk spent the night to make sure you are OK.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2016 ⏰

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