Chapter One

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Chapter One

Her mind starts to wonder about her blue eyed thief, it's been like this ever since he left for New York. She misses him dearly, she doesn't know why she's even helping the idiot blonde who brought back his wife. As she looks to her left, she remembers. Henry. She wants to be a better person for her son.

She looks around this depressing place. She sees many familiar and not so familiar faces. She hears Swan say something about splitting up, sends her parents one way and takes Henry with her, leaving Regina alone as Rumple scurries off to wherever his cane can carry him, she supposes. As she walks through the underworld, she makes a few turns before seeing his face.

"Daniel..." She whispers in disbelief. Her knees lock into place, her palms become sweaty, even feels butterflies swarm her stomach. It was like meeting him for the first time at her family's estate.

He smiles softly as he approaches her. "Regina.."

Her name on his lips sounded as sweet as honey, always has. Tears are brought to her eyes as he comes closer.

"Daniel.. I- I don't understand... Why are you here? You were one of the most kind hearted people I've ever met.." She says in confusion, her brows furrowing as he laughs.

"Regina, I have some unfinished business, just like everyone else here. In fact, I need your help with it."

"What? What could your unfinished possible business be?"

He looks at her with sadness in his eyes. "Your happiness."

She felt a pang of guilt, but before it can spread even further, Daniel takes her hand. "I know that look, it's not your fault I'm here. I'm here, because when I left you, you were unhappy. You stayed that way, I was just about to get out of this place before Robin had to leave you."

She looks down, feeling even more guilty that he knows about her relationship with Robin. She was mostly upset that he probably knew that her first time with Robin was when his wife was brought back. "Daniel.. I- I am so sorry... I mourned you for so long, I-"

He stops her once again from being overcome with guilt. "Regina, I know. I know you mourned for me, I'm not angry with you for moving on. I'm happy you moved on. I thought that because you moved on and were finally happy, I would be able to leave, but for some reason I was kept here. It didn't make sense until a few weeks ago.." He says and the entire story confused her.

"But, now it makes sense, why?" She asks curiously.

He sighs and swallows thick. "Because, Robin didn't leave with his wife. He left with Zelena."

She gasps and feels hatred, anger, disgust. Hot tears start to form.

"She used some kind of magic to disguise herself.. When she realized you were going to let him live with his wife, she killed him. He's here, Regina."

She shakes her head. "No.. No!" She begins to let her tears fall, tears that were wiped away by her first love.

"I saw him one day and then the next, he was gone. Poof. Just like that. Just like your friend's lover, the one with the hook. They both disappeared without a trace. And they didn't go into the light, because every time someone does, the clock ticks. The clock hasn't ticked in a very long time. Long before I even got here. Regina, I need you to find him. Save him. That's the only way I can move on into the light." He says, more like begs.

She lets out a quiet and distraught sob as she hears that Robin had been killed. Tears continued to fall, weeps fell from her mouth as she imagines what pain he's going through. "H- how do I find him?" She whimpers.


His skin feels cold, yet it also feels as if it were burning. His heart feels empty, he's next to the bastard who helped Zelena escape in Marian's form. He wants to kill him, but he's already dead. He sits there in pain and agony, but then he feels something. He feels her near. She's here. His mind and heart begin to ache. He starts to think about what could have possibly happened to her, he hopes that it wasn't painful, prays that Henry didn't have to watch.


When he hears the pirate whisper the name of his love, it captures the thief's interest.

"Do you feel here near?" Robin asks, sitting up against the hard, brick wall of the cell they're trapped in.

The lovesick puppy looks at Robin and nods. "And you with Regina?"

Robin nods. "Yes."

For an hour they start to think of what could be happening, they don't know if they were killed together, or maybe they actually found a way to get to the underworld. But, it confused robe very much. How would Regina know that he died? When he talks to Hook about it, he offers the idea that maybe Regina doesn't know. He suggests that maybe Regina just came to help Emma. The idea makes Robin even more proud of his sweet love.

He misses her. Everything about her. He misses her smile, misses the way her eyes light up when she's around Henry or Roland, he misses his son and worries for him every minute, as well. But, back to Regina. Misses her laugh, misses her sass, her scent. His mind starts to wander to her hips, and how well she can move them... Thinks about the way her back arches just before she reaches her climax. But, it wasn't just the sex that he missed from that night in her vault. It was that vulnerability, the fact that she trusted him to witness it. He thinks of the way her body fir perfectly with his even as they slept.

He needs to see her. He needs to make sure she's alright and can get out of this place.

"We need to find a way out of here." He says sternly, before her arrival he didn't have anything to fight for. Now? Now he's going to get out of this cell, even if he has to fight Hades, he will get out of that damned cell.

{Let me know what you guys think! Should I continue?}

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