Love will remember

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News lady:"Louis Tomlinson, member of one direction recently lost his wife, reporters say that she was a major piece of his life, possibly the reason he auditioned. Tomlinson's band mates had a few words to say" Louis watched the tv about to click it off until he heard the boys had words on the tragic accident.

Harry Styles: "we all knew Scarlett um basically she was a close friend to all of us and uh She was Louis' best friend before they decided to take it further."

Zayn Malik: "Scarlett encouraged lou to erm, audition she's actually uh the one who signed him up."

Liam Payne: "I remember quite clearly when he didnt make it through he said he did it for her and literally cried because he felt he had failed her. It was quite sad actually."

Niall Horan: "but I do remember after that she did uh say that Louis could never possibly let her down, he was breathing that's all that mattered to her. She was a sweet girl"

news lady: "seems as if she was a incredible girl. Scarlett's cause of death has not been released yet in the orders of louis. it has been said that He himself might be leaving the band. More to come on fix news at 6" Louis shook his head clicking the tv off. Sliding his hands through his hair tears falling uncontrollably down his cheek. A flash back popped into his head as he looked over at a picture of them on the beach.


"LOUIS STOP!" Scarlett laughed as she tried to free herself from Louis grip.

"NEVER!!" Louis voice chirped excited and high pitched. He ran into the water with Scarlett over his shoulder and dunked down setting her in the cold water.

"AH! I WILL GET YOU FOR THAT!" She laughed pulling him down into the water next to her.

"Hey!" He chuckled coming up from the water splashing her.

"Ah! Not fair!" Her giggles floated through the air as the flashback ended.

"God I miss you scar..why did you have to leave me.." Louis stood up flipping the table before he dropped to his knees. Liam heard a crash so he ran from his room which was by the living room to see the table upside down, glass shattered ,and Louis on his knees.

"Lou. Hey mate calm down" Liam tried to comfort Louis but he just refused pushing him off of him grabbing his coat running out the door.

Liam frowned about to go after him until he felt a hand on his shoulder he looked up to see Zayn standing there .

"Give him time bro, he'll come through.. It's just to early. Let him walk it off." Zayn suggested causing Liam to nod and help Zayn pick up the glass cup in pieces on the floor and set the table back to its place.


Louis walked to the beach sitting on the sand looking out at the water having another flash back this one about the night he decided Scarlett should meet his family.he looked to the side of him to see the flashback as if it was really happening.


"It's beautiful" Scarlett whispered as she laid in Louis arms in the sand looking up at the sky.

"Hm that's two things then" Lou chuckled in result to Scarlett's laugh.

"Cheeky." She rolled over onto her stomach looking at Louis

"You sure you wanna do this? I mean, what if they don't like me" a frown sprung across her lips. Louis smiled at her ridiculous statement.

"They'll love you, I mean c'mon what's not to love? I know I can't think of one thing I don't love about you because there's no reason to not." He said stroking her cheek lightly after he tucked a piece of chocolate brown hair behind her ear.

"I love you Louis.." She stared into his eyes.

"I love you to my dear." He smiled planting his lips on hers as the flashback ended.

Louis shook his head and looked down the beach to see a girl with long brown hair walking down towards him with another girl by her side.

"Scarlett..?!? " Louis got up fast and ran to the girl "scarlett!" Once he came close he realized it wasn't her and he put his head down after apologizing to the two girls.

"Sorry. My mistake." The two girls stared weird at Louis but then frowned because they had heard the news earlier that day.


It was late about 12am. Louis finally opened the door to the flat before shutting it quietly, he shook his head taking his jacket off hanging it up,walking to the fridge. He pulled it open and reached for a water, closing the fridge he noticed a bag of chips so he grabbed them and made his way to the couch seeing Zayn asleep on it. He did the best to not wake him up as he flipped on the tv and clicked past all the news reports on himself.

"Finally." He whispered looking at the screen as a funny Adam Sandler movie played before his eyes. He twisted the cap off his water taking a sip hearing a voice behind him. He peaked his over the back of the couch to see Harry.

"Hey Lou, mind if I join you?" Harry whispered In a deep voice that was different then usual, it seemed troubled and worried.

"Ya of course" Louis slid over on the couch diagonal from the one Zayn was sleeping on to let Harry sit.

"Hm?" Louis held out the chips to Harry as Harry took a handful in his hand and looked at the screen. Harry could see in Louis' face he hadn't slept in days. But he let it go knowing Louis didn't wanna be bothered with questions that he'd open up when he was ready. And now, he wasn't even close.


SO? What'd you think? I'm Babie Athena's friend. I told her I'd keep her page alive and start a book before her passing. So if you haven't read hers it's called "effortlessly yours" please read it in memory of Athena :* thank you .

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