Yandere Eren x Reader: The change!

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It was a beautiful sunny early afternoon, it was barely after lunch when your commanding officer Corporal Levi stated "you are all going to train for the next two hours, so you have 5 minutes to head out, otherwise you will clean the entire Headquarters in a day, to my standards!" He finished with a barely noticeable smirk as he saw the expressions of the trainee's, along with a few moans and groans, "is that complaining I hear?" He asked with sarcasm dripping off every word. The mess hall went a deathly silence before a chorus of "No Sir!" Rang through the room, "didn't think so!" He muttered and walked off.

At the training field, Squad Leader Hanji was yelling out the pairs that were going to spar with each other. You got stuck with Jean, you didn't mind too much as he was okay from time to time. Eren was partnered up with Connie, Mikasa was partnered with Annie and the last of your childhood friends, Armin was partnered with Christa (I'm calling her Christa throughout the story) who both were to nervous to harm the other.

Halfway through the training Eren was getting fairly annoyed, as he caught Connie several times during the hour looking at you. "Connie what you staring at (F/N) for?" Eren asked trying to keep the annoyance from his voice and succeeded, "Oh sorry Eren, I can't help it she's a real beauty, the other guys are sneakily glancing at her too... Why what's up?" Connie looked back to Eren whilst nervously rubbing his neck, with an embarrassed smile, but as soon as Connie looked at Eren, his arm dropped to his side and he paled a little, because Eren's face was full of rage. "Concentrate dammit!" Eren scowled managing to cover up his anger from Connie looking at you, using training as the perfect excuse. "Sorry man! I will from now on" Connie mumbled.

Eren's P.O.V

'Damn! That was too close for comfort... Calm down Eren, you can't let it slip! Wait until she yours and yours alone'
Looking at Connie I noticed he became a little nervous of me, and at that point I knew I had to say something, otherwise he'll tell my beloved (F/N), I don't want her to worry.

"Hey Connie I'm sorry, I didn't mean to snap like that, it's just the titans and the possibility of other people attacking us, I'd rather stay in shape" as I finished giving my so called explanation, I put on my best fake smile. "We cool?" Holding my hand out to him, Connie visibly relaxed, smiled and replied "yeah, it was partly my fault too, for being distracted" whilst shaking my hand

Your P.O.V

For the fifth time you took Jean's legs out from underneath him and managed to flip him at the same time. "You must like the ground Jean?" You asked with an innocent expression, whilst you pretty much sat on his tummy with a leg either side of him, as you were about to open your mouth to speak, you were lifted up from the ground into someone's arms. Turning to face the person that did it, you saw Eren with a very angry face directed purely at Jean, when he glanced at you his face visibly soften to a sweet smile, that was until he returned his angry gaze to boy on ground.

"Eren what's wrong?" You decided to choose your words carefully, judging by his sudden change. "I thought Jean was going to hit you when you weren't looking... Sorry!" Eren blushed a little as you were studying his face. "What! I would never do that, I'm not like that!" Jean shouted with a look of disgust on his face, as he got up storming off to cool down. "J-jean wait!" You called and started to go after him until, you felt a surprisingly strong grip on you upper arm pulling you back, "Eren!" You gasped as you stumbled into his chest. "Leave him be (F/N) please!" He asked in a strange tone, that shocked you, it seemed demanding mixed with pleading.

Sighing you released his grip from your arm, and went to go find another sparring partner, but Eren wasn't going to accept that and volunteered to be your sparring partner At first you were sort of reluctant, with Eren's change in behaviour, but then thought nothing of it with all the stress everyone was currently under, and began sparring.

Normal P.O.V

Time soon flew, and now it was mealtime before bed, everyone couldn't believe how quick the day went, between bathing in the morning, cleaning, lunch, training, more cleaning, mealtime and then bed.
You called Armin aside "Armin can I ask something?" You asked, "sure (F/N)" he replied with a pleasant smile, "well..." You explained everything that day about Eren, "so have you noticed the change in Eren or is it just me?" You whispered afraid said person would interrupt, like he had done all day, no matter who you spoke with on the male side Eren was sure to interrupt and make some sort of excuse to stop you talking to the other guys.

Armin looked at you with concern etched into his face, "to be honest I have noticed the change in him for some time towards you! But this is the first time he's changed so openly!" He finished with a worried sigh. You gulped wanting to know more, but would rather eat your meal and head to bed.

A/N: I hope this is alright! Let me know if you want me continue?

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