The beginning to the end

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“Nope, nope, nope, not acceptable.”
“Ugh fine. I’ll listen but you need to pull back on bossing me around while we’re in California. I can handle myself.” Ava grumpily crossed her hands across her chest as Lilou just distractedly nods.

“Okay well it looks like we have Flight twenty-four at six pm on Friday night. Row fifteen tickets, you have ticket C and I have B so you get the window seat. It doesn’t look like anyone has taken the seat next to me, so we should be good.” Lilou rattles off information about their trip even though she knows Ava will most likely need a reminder for half of these things. Lilou didn’t really have an amazing memory either so she wrote it all down as she spoke.
After Lilou finished writing down her information, she habitually checked her watch. It is now already four pm, the TV show ending and going into the next episode of whatever Ava had turned on. “We should arrive at the airport early so we can get our baggage through and all the other terminal stuff we have to go through.” Lilou now turned to Ava who had a sleeping pup on her lap. Ava had been on several flights in her life, whereas Lilou had never been on one. Ava’s first real plane ride was to Paris because of her job. Lilou had been out of the country like Ava, but she had driven the entire six hours it takes to get to Canada from Apple Valley with her family when she was eight. Road trips were more of Lilous style instead of plane rides but it didn’t matter at this point, neither of them had a car that could survive the trip with the two of them driving.
“Well that’s everything we need, we just need to hope that it doesn’t blizzard the day of the trip.” Lilou smiles, shutting the laptop and getting up to throw away her empty can of root beer. “Hungry?” She asks, walking over to the cupboard and taking out two packs of ramen and a pot, ready to make their favorite afternoon snack.

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