Chapter 1

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"Damn it !" Sulli cursed and throw all the files that on her table. She really have no heart in business at all but her father always insist her. It is all because she is the only heir of Alpha Holding.
She prefer go for clubbing with her friends than sitting on her chair and work with piles of files .
"Jiyoung, come in ." She pressed the intercom and called her assistant.
The door open and there's a lady around Sulli's age come in.
"Yes Miss Sulli . How can i help you ?" Said Jiyoung, Sulli's assistant.
"Please cancel all my meetings today. I don't wanna meet any clients today. It just make my head dizzy from thinking of the rubbish thing . " Said Sulli arrogantly while crossed her arms to her chest.
"No buts Miss Kang ! Just do what i told you just now ! I'm going . " Sulli take her bag and rush to go out.
Jiyoung just shake her head and resume her work.
"Hello baby !" shouted Sulli a little bit to her boyfriend, Kai. The loud music in the club forbid them to speak with calm voice .
"Hey sweetie." Kai said and give a peck to Sulli's lips.
They had been couple for 5 years. But Sulli's parents doesn't like Kai because they think Kai is just a user and only loves their money not their daughter. But Sulli was so inlove with Kai so she just ignore what people wanna say about them. She don't care at all.
"What make you so long sweetie ? I'm already bored here." Said Kai as he let his tounge gliding through Sulli's neck.
Sulli giggled. "Later baby, later". She pushed away Kai face from her neck.
"Oh come on sweetie. It's been ages since we had . I'm craving for you sweetie. " Kai voice start to hoarse as his hand caressing Sulli's .
Sulli ed. She would be lying if she do not want Kai now. But the tiredness from work still not subsided down. She would like to have fun here first before having with him.
She cupped Kai's face and peck his lips. "Listen here. I would love to baby, i would love to. But i'm freaking tired right now. Can we have fun here first before we having 'fun' together ? " She finished that and give a smooch again.
Kai annoyed at Sulli behaviour. "Damn it ! I can't have her again today." cursed Kai in his heart.
"Fine take your time as long as you want ", and with that Kai stand up and went out.
"Erghhh !" shouted Sulli.
"Give me some wine ! " barked Sulli to the bartender. She thought she can have fun today but now everything is in chaos.
"Where's that stupid key ?" said the very drunk Sulli while finding her car key in her bag.
"Gotcha ! Hehehe"
She turn on the car and speeding. But because of her drunk condition she recklessly driving and do not aware of the big tree infront her car. Dushhh , the car hit it and turn over .
The other side of the street ....
Minho was locking the door of the mobile phone shop, the place that he worked. Suddenly, he heard the accident. He turn his back and shocked to see the situation. He hurriedly run to the car because he scared something bad gonna happen to the victim. He knocked the window of the driver.
"Miss, miss can you hear me ? called Minho.
"Call the ambulance and police ! Make it fast. The victim was in danger ! " shouted Minho to the crowd.
He decided to break the window. Pranggggg !
Minho took Sulli out from the car carefully. He shook Sulli's body. "Miss, miss . Hanging on there. The ambulance will come in a moment" said Minho to the unconcious Sulli.
5 minutes after that, the ambulance came and Sulli was carried on followed by Minho to the nearest hospital .
Seoul Hospital
Sulli was transfered to the emergency room. The nurse approached Minho.
"Sir, can i know your name and what is your relationship with patient ?"
Minho was tongue tied. "My name is Choi Minho and i'm emm..her friend. Yeah, her friend." lied Minho.
The nurse looked like uncertain with Minho answer but only he that brought Sulli here so she just trusted Minho.
"This is patient's handbag that was found by the police. I hope you call her family to tell them about her condition. Then, she left.
Minho open the bag and found Sulli's phone. Luckily the phone not broken and Sulli didn't put password on her phone. Minho call the last person that she called. It was Sulli's father.
After two rings, " Hello Sulli ? Where are you ?' answered Sulli's father on the other line.
"Err hello sir. I'm not Sulli. My name is Choi Minho. I called you to inform that your daughter involved in car accident." told Minho.
"What ?! How can that happen ?" said Sulli's father.
"She speed on her car and hit a big tree" said Minho.
"Okay , tell me which hospital and thank you for informed me." said Sulli's father.
"Seoul Hospital. You're welcome sir" said Minho and put the phone back to the bag.
"So her name is Sulli. What a nice name for a beautiful lady." murmured Minho.

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