Infactuation With Titans

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Levi laid his head on the table hearing the buzzing of the light as it occasionally flickered off, and then back on with no hesitation. It had been a long day of yelling and headaches. All of which caused by his piers.

Jeagar had had trouble trying to get his Titan shifting powers to work. Hanji was patient for Eren's shifting, but to Levi it was just wasting his time.

He heard the creaking sound of the door behind him and quickly turned around to be faced with Hanji. "I didn't mean to wake you," she said in a quiet exhausted voice. She had been pulling all nighters due to her extensive research on the titans that they had captured recently. Though she loved what she did, it was hard on her.

"You didn't wake me," Levi replied, "I was just resting my head,". Hanji smiled and sat down across from Levi. She pulled out papers upon papers of notes, calculations, observations, etc about the titans.

Levi glanced at her and could see all the rest she had lost under her eyes. " Why are you so infatuated with these creatures? I don't understand how one can have such a passion for the things that will lead to our demise,". Hanji got caught off guard by the question but answered honestly and wholeheartedly. "Well, I don't like the unknown. When there is an opportunity to try to find out more about what baffles all others, I need to grasp that oportunity. I love being a scientist... always finding out what I didn't know before. I guess I could say that the more I know, the more I know that I didn't know. Some may call me insane for what I do, but if I don't, who will,".

Hanji laid her head on the table so that she could meet her eyes with Levi's. " When you look through my eyes, the eyes of a scientist, I guess you could say it like being in love. The world changes around you,". Levi laughed at Hanji's words being impressed by her words on sincerity. "With those shitty glasses, I'm pretty sure that the world doesn't look so great,".

This was the first time that Hanji had ever seen Levi smile not out of pure mockery. He had a nice smile, one that reminded her of her father.

Levi looked back at Hanji only to find her asleep on the table. He never imagined that such a Loud person could look so peaceful while sleeping. He thought to himself, "it's nice to know that someone can find happiness in a world so cruel. Her antics can get annoying, but it's more fun with her at my side,".

He picked her up as if she was a doll. She looked quite doll like in his arms. She had a slender body a small face and big eyes.

He walked down the corridor bringing her to her bedroom. He laid her down on her bed and pulled up her blanket to cover her limp body. Levi tucked the extra strands of her hair behind her ear and kissed her forehead. Quietly he walked to the door whispering, " goodnight shitty glasses," only to have her respond with, "goodnight shorty,".

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