Letter to Tae

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Dear Kim Taehyung,

Even if you will probabbly never see this at all. I just wanna let everything out and write this. Kim Taehyung.. Why? Why do I have such strong feelings for someone I can't reach. I love you so much, but knowing that you'll never think the same is upsetting to me. But what really makes me happy is just you happy. Seeing your face, even if only threw a screen, make sme really happy. When you smile and make all this cute little poses. My heart just pounds so much I don't really know what to do and just freak out. The impact you had done me is just, I don't know how to explain. You just make me a really happy person or just happy when I feel bad. Even if just videos and photos of you threw screen. It's just you make me happy...
Your such a beautiful person awell inside in out. Your pretty eyes, face, hair and all of that. Even your bubbly attitude, its just so adorable. I really appreciate you aswell. How you treat fans and learning all these choreographies and all that. I really want you to be healthy and taking good care of yourself. I really hope you do at least have some time to just take some time rest and do whatever you want. I know you're always busy, but I just really hope your getting to relax when you need too. Your health is just important to me.
Just thank you, thank you so much Kim Taehyung for existing. You make me so happy and all of this, sometimes I don't even know what I'm saying. Words just can't really explain my feelings. Well, I just love you so much Taehyung, please rest and remember to take care of yourself. ♡

- Princess

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