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"Please, protect Ryan. His, his mother asked me to make sure he was safe. He isn't safe." Mom said. I was half hidden behind her legs with my guitar on my back. I peaked out and stared at the little girl standing next to the giant lady. I reached into my pocket and pulled out the cherry blossom clip I'd bought for the girl I liked. I walked up to the taller girl and held out the clip. "It'd look pretty in your hair." She blinked and said "Thank you." I smiled and said "I'm Ryan. What's your name?" She said "Rainbow Pearl, but you can call me Pearl." I said "That explains why your so pretty. Rainbows are really pretty." She tilted her head and said "Thank you for the complement." I said "You're welcome. Is she your mom?" She said "Rose? Oh no. Rose isn't my mother, she's my leader." I said "But aren't you only a little older than me?" She said "I'm thousands of years old." I said "Cool! That means you knew all kinds of really cool people, right? Like the Beatles, and Van Gogh, and Leonardo Da Vinci." She said "I knew John Lennon of the Beatles." I went starry eyed and said "Cool!" She said "Really?" I nodded and said "The Beatles are my favorite band ever!" She said "Their music is good." Mom said "Goodbye Ryan. Rose, I'll call once George is dealt with and I'm finally settled." I stared after my mom confused. Pearl said "Uh, Ryan? How do I put this into my hair?" I turned back to her and clipped back some of her hair. "There, now I can see your eyes." She blushed and said "Why would you want to see my eyes?" I said "Because the eyes are the window to the soul, and you have pretty eyes." Rose said "You two are so adorable! You would make a cute couple." Pearl said "But Rose!" I said "But, I still like Jackie back home." She said "It'll be a while before you can go back to Las Vegas again Ryan." I said "But Spencer? And Jackie? And Brett.." She said "I can ask Greg if he can help you get in contact with them." I smiled really wide and said "Thank you Rose!"

"So you live with a giant pink woman, her girl knight, a pair of tiny red and blue girls who fuse to become a tall love goddess, and a tiny purple girl who calls you RyRo?" Spencer asked, amused. I said "Yeah. Rose thought Pearl and I would be cute together but, I don't like Pearl like that. She's like my sister. My bossy sister. How are things back in vegas?" Spencer said "The band sucks without you." I said "A few more months and Rose says I can come home." He said "Great. But, who are you gonna stay with? Cause, you're ten. You can't live alone." I said "I... Don't know." Spencer said "You'll stay with me." "When Steven is born, I will have to give up my form." I covered my mouth. I couldn't lose Rose. "We can't tell Ryan. He won't understand. He's only ten. This would destroy his world, losing me after losing both of his parents." I glared at the ground and clenched my fists. I ran out of the temple to Miss Vidalia's. I went up to the room I shared with sour cream and stuffed all of my stuff into my backpack and ran. I just kept running, even after I left Beach City. The closest bus station was across the state line in Belleville. I wove in and out of trees with my sword wrapped in my spiderman blanket and tucked between my back and my backpack. I came out of the trees in Belleville. I ran to the bus stop and saw a boy who looked seven years older than me at the bus stop with an even older boy with shaggy black hair. He looked at me and said "Gee. Gee!" The shaggy haired boy looked up from his book and said "You lost?" I said "No." He said "You've gotta be to be desperate enough to come to this bus stop." I said "I'm running away from home." He said "Why? Mommy refused to buy you the new transformer?" I said "The lady who adopted me is going to die when she gives birth to my little brother and she and the other stupid adults don't want to tell me. I only know because I was coming home from school and heard her talking." He said "That's no reason to run away." I said "When she dies, I'll have to go back to a dad that hits me if I make any noise!" He said "She probably didn't want to tell you because of how you'd react." I said "I still should get know that my adopted mom is going to die." He said "You're what? Six? You shouldn't know something like that." I angrily said "I should because Pearl got to know before me and Pearl's the same age as me! And I'm ten!" I started crying and said "Pearl, Amethyst and Garnet knew before me that Rose Quartz was gonna die and they didn't tell me! It's not fair!" He hugged me and softly said "I got mad when my dad remarried after Mikey was born and Amber died, because she was my last link to my mom. But, I realized, she just wanted to protect me from the hurt." I sniffled and said "Rose is my mom's sister. I don't want to lose aunt Rose so soon." He said "I'll drive you home. Pearl and Rose are probably worried about you." I said "Pearl wouldn't be worried about me. She thinks lowly of humans. Boys especially." He said "You don't know that." I said "Pearl's a big meanie."

 Gerard parked next to the temple and said "Come on. Mikey and I will walk you up." He took one of my hands and Mikey took the other. We walked up to the temple and Pearl immediately hugged me. "Ryan!" She sobbed. "We couldn't find you. I got so scared." I hugged Pearl back and said "I ran away. Why did Aunt Rose trust you and not me to know she was going to go away when Steven is born?" She said "Because she wanted my opinion on how to tell you." She hugged me and said "Please, don't run away again. I was so scared." Gerard said "We found him in Belleville... Miss Rose?" He looked so shocked, he turned into two shorter people. One had long black hair and big hazel eyes. The other had short brown hair in spikes with blonde tips. He also had big hazel eyes. Mikey stared at them and said "Do we know you? Because they never unfuse." Rose said "I used to baby sit you. You're Bicolor Tourmaline's twins and Amber's son, right?" He said "Yeah?" She said "Thank you for finding Ryan." Pearl squeezed my hand and said "Please don't run away like that again." I said "You really care about me?" She said "Of course! You're my best friend." I smiled big and said "You're my best friend too Pearl."

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