Wonders of the forest

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I woke, and shoveled the blankets off, looking out the window I could see water flecking the panes. My tongue felt odd, all prickly and sharp. Everything seemed bigger, and my nose was filled with strange scents. Maybe I was just thirsty, I reached for my cup and instantly pulled back, my hand was no hand at all, instead, it was a paw. I hopped down from my bed, which now seemed much higher up. I raced toward the bathroom and pounced up onto the counter. Yup. I was a cat, a cat with brown tabby fur and violet eyes. I knew this design, one of my warriors characters looked exactly like this, Hawkflight. Panic rose from my chest, sudden fear in this strange new place. I had to go find my freinds! They would understand! I sprinted down the stairs and came across my first challange, a sliding glass door. I had opened it so many times when I was a human, but now the handle was tail-lengths above me, and I didn't have the hands to pull it open. I hissed to myself and ran back up the stairs, and out an open window onto the roof. there was a puddle below and new, soft mulch that I could land in. I took in a deep breath,

and jumped.

Mulch scattered at my paws and I slid into the puddle, dark water stained my sleek pelt and filled my jaws. I gave a kick against the bottom and flung my head over the surface. The puddle was considerably deeper than it looked. I stood and shook my fur, now I smelt of manure, gross! I began walking, my paws scraped the rough driveway and skimmed lightly over the grass as I headed for Zoe's home, she was closest, I decided, and had a cat of her own, she would know what to do. As I walked, an acid scent hit my tongue, infront of me stretched the road, long black and hot. I had crossed it many times before, but it now seemed longer, darker, and more deadly then ever before. The thunderpath was most certainly a reasonable name, it roared and groaned as huge cars passed over it.

I waited until I could see no cars nearby to cross, the hard tar was rough underpaw, and it smelled worse than the puddle. But it didn't take long before I had finished crossing the wide expanse of blacktop. Zoe's home was not far off and as I padded towards it I wondered where I would go, I could not return home, no doors were open. The woods were an option, I remembered seeing a perfect spot for cats to live while I was fishing. By the time I had made up my mind, I was at her doorstep.

"Zoe?" I called out on the cool dawn air. And suddenly a weight crashed into my side, knocking the wind out of me. I whipped about to see a silver cat standing in the morning light, claws unsheathed, and hackles raised. The cat spat something at me and pounced again, this time she missed, I had wavered to one side before she could land another breathtaking blow.

I snarled and went in to attack, scooting back then pouncing high above her head, landing on her back and swiping at her ears.

" You're going to pay for that!" She snarled and knocked me off. I knew that voice.


"What? How do you know my name?"

" It's me!"

A look of kindness swept over her blue eyes." I was just about to walk to your house and ask if you wanted to go live in the woods, seeing as we can't live in our homes anymore."

" That's just what I was thinking!"

"Great! I know a wonderous spot!"

" Overhanging the creek?"


" I was thinking the same thing!"

We began walking down the hillside, talking about our waking up and seeing that we were cats. It wasn't long before we reached the fence and hopped into the woods. We had just settled down when a voice rang over our heads.

" Hey! You're on Riverclan territory!"

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