Chapter 1: Single Mum

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It was early morning and Paige was looking in the mirror applying her make up. Today was a very exciting day for her as she had a meeting with producers of a TV soap show where they were going to tell her if her character was coming back into the TV show. To say she was nervous was a understatement she missed acting and really wanted to get back into it. She took a break from the soap 3 years ago when she was pregnant with her gorgeous son Noah. Since then Paige her hand at beauty industry and has brought out two perfumes but now it was time to get back to what put her on the map. She was just about to apply a little bit of eyeliner when she heard.

"Mammy!!" This was her 3 year old son running up to her in the mirror.

"What's wrong baby?" Paige was trying her best to apply the eyeliner and communicate with Noah. She thought better than do both at once so she put down the eyeliner.

"Where you going?" Her son quizzed knowing his mum was making a effort with her make up.

"I got a meeting babe Nanny will be here now to pick you up cause you staying up Nannies tonight." Noah tilted his head

"Why?" Noah was at the age where he'd questioned everything.

"Because mommy's got a event tonight" Tonight was Selena Prices  once of Paige's friends engagement party. She didn't want to go not only because she'd rather stay in and look after her son but also because Noah's father is going to be at the party. Noah's father is a famous singer in the band Union J his name is Josh Cuthbert he's been absent from Noah's life for 2 years now. They broke up while Paige was pregnant with Noah. For the first year of his life Josh was pretty hands on wanting to be in Noah's life but when he met his new girlfriend now fiance Amy Williams he disappeared from his life. All of the dates Paige and Josh planed for Josh to have Noah never happened, Paige can't even remember when they last talked.

"Oh..... can't I go see daddy?" Noah knows about his father Paige explained to Noah who he was but most definitely did not tell him about Josh just disappearing out of his life. Paige sighed it was rare he'd ask about Josh. But Paige couldn't break her little boys heart.

"Daddies busy tonight baby next time you can stay with daddy" Disappointment shoot through his blue eyes which he'd got from Josh.

"Daddies always busy" he sighed "He never has time to see me" He walked into the living room defeated that broke Paige's heart.

"Noah" She tried to call him back which failed at that point there was a knock at the door Paige opened the door to reveal her mum, Michelle.

"Hello love" Michelle greeted.

"Hi mum"  after Michelle gave her daughter a hug she came through to the living room followed by Paige.

"How's my baby grandson?" Michelle asked Noah when she she saw him lounging on the sofa. When he didn't answer Michelle gave Paige a 'What's wrong' look which Paige mouthed Josh's name. Paige looked at her son and said.

"Why don't you go get your stuff from your room to go over nannys" Noah slowly got up from the sofa and dragged himself upstairs. Once he was out of hear shot Paige quickly told her mother about the conversation she and Noah had.

"Don't you think you should try to contact Josh and talk about this" Michelle more or less told her daughter.

"Mum I've tried to contact Josh he wouldn't answer my calls and then he changed his number. He's rarely around London anymore since he and Amy moved to Brighton and I only know what cause I read it online" Paige has tried everything to get hold on Josh but he didn't want to know.

"You said he was going to this party tonight talk to him there. Has she gone mad Paige thought.

"Yeah mum I'll just bring something like that up to him at Selena's party while his fiance is with him" Paige doesn't know Amy but from what she's heard she is quite a bitch.

"Your son is more important than that he should have put something on the end of it if he didn't want the responsibility" Before Paige couldn't reply Noah was back in the room with his bag full of toys and his clothes.

"I'm ready" he sounded so down Paige hated seeing him sad. Michelle gave a Paige a look that didn't need any words she would have to talk to Josh tonight.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2016 ⏰

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