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I'm going to tell you a story about a boy and a girl. Before you get started thinking this is a love story that works out perfectly, you're so very wrong. This story is tragic and depressing. Filled with wrong turns and bad decisions. This is the classic story of boy likes girl, girl likes boy...but, boy has a girlfriend and girl has a boyfriend. Their love burns like a flame but one thing about fire is that if you get too close you get burnt. As of right now as this is being written, their story isn't over. But who knows what will happen. Love is as steady and a raging river with twists and turns and ups and downs. Like all great love stories this one comes with a despicable villain, Depression. He tends to swoop in and lay a "loving" hand on the girl and likes to whisper in her ear things she doesn't wish to hear. So lets see where this story takes us.

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