Meeting and More~

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It had been a loooong day. Your feet and back hurt and you wanted nothing more than to crash on your couch with your laptop and some tasty food. But first you had to get home. Only another couple blocks and you're home free. The thought alone made a small smile brighten your face. But your mood instantly soured when you remembered you hadn't gone grocery shopping for almost a full week. Which meant there was nothing for you to cook at home. You debated if you should just order some take out but immediately snuffed that idea out. You'd ordered pizza and Chinese two days in a row and you really couldn't afford to keep splurging like this. Take out wasn't cheap. So with a weak little half sob you turned down the next street and walked away from where your apartment was. Now you were heading towards the grocery store, intent on getting enough food to last you the few days until next week. And you live alone so you didn't even have to get much. Thank the stars for small miracles.

After getting in the store and grabbing a basket you started gathering food. Just some sandwich stuff, some chips to go with your sandwiches, some more tea and sugar, some frozen fish sticks and fries, and some ground beef and veggies for stew. After running over your mental shopping list you figured you had enough for a few days and decided you were done. As an after thought you grabbed something hot from the deli for when you got home. You knew you were going to be too tired to cook so this was your dinner. You pushed your basket to the closest line and waited, not even bothering to see who you got in line behind. After almost three minutes the line still hadn't moved. And the guy right behind you was huffing and generally looking upset it wasn't his turn yet. You idly wondered what was taking so long and glanced up at the person before you in line. Your eyebrows raised in mild surprise as you saw a cute little monster ghost doing their best to place the stuff from their basket onto the conveyor belt.

You wanted to squeal at how utterly adorable the little sheet ghost was! You wondered how you hadn't noticed him before. But you shook that thought off and studied the cutie. They were a perfect representation of what a child would draw if they thought of a ghost. They were white with the typical rounded top and fluttery bottom edges, no arms or legs in sight. They stood a little over four feet you guessed. So a bit shorter than you. But you think out of everything, their most noticeable feature was their big black eyes, they were the size of tea cup saucers. With a mental nod you concluded that this had to be the most adorable monster you've seen so far. And you work around a lot of them since they showed up almost five years before. But your inner thoughts were interrupted by that same guy behind you.

He groaned loudly and barked at the trembling little ghost, "Jesus, will you hurry up?! How hard can lifting a bag of greens be???"

The little ghost flinched at the guy's loud yell and seemed to fade out a bit like they wanted to disappear. Tears started to drip from their too large eyes and you sort of lost it. You rounded on the guy and yelled a few choice words back at him. Just who did he think he was? Hurting that poor little ghost's feelings like that! It was obvious they were doing their very best! And that's all anyone has the right to ask of them.

"You need to learn some manners before you come back out in public! Especially if screaming is how you handle someone not going as fast as you want them to! What are you, a toddler?! How about you take your stupid groceries and find another line huh?! If not then shut up!"

Your full on glare and angry hissed words succeeded in quieting the man. He just scowled and crossed his arms but said nothing. You instead turned back around to the wide eyed little ghost monster and gave him a gentle smile instead of the previous hostile look you gave to the jerk behind you both and offered to help them with their stuff.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2016 ⏰

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