Well I'll be damned, English is so not my favorite class now. Meh I'm just too caught with my thought when the SUBSTITUTE teacher was actually looking at me. I where the hell is the teacher when I need her."Miss!? Do you want to take a seat or just stand there!? "
"Gosh someone is on her period".I mumbled.
"Miss are you saying, you want to share in class."
"Nothing", I answered bluntly as I make my way to my house seat. Which only piss her off more
"Class as I like you to know, that this reaction papers is almost half of your grades", then she divert her attention to me, looking like evil pure evil.
What the hell
OK this is creepy, and crap the library is just about to close. Wait she knew it all along and she even OVER TIMED!! Oh hell no.
The Librarian
Random"Valerie have you done your english reaction paper yet?" Kay said "No." I simply said "Well shiz why are you si calm about this, its deadline is today. " "What!!!! Holy shhhhhh got to go to the library, oh my I have to see that stupid ass librarian...