Chapter One

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Chapter 1:

November 16th was the day Alex and Tobin pledged their love to each other after only technically dating for eight months. Now they have to handle married life while maintaining their superstar statuses and keeping up with the job they love: soccer.


"Babe, we have to go now or else we are gonna miss our flight!" Alex frantically yelled upstairs as she double-checked her suitcase. Tobin came running down the steps, almost tripping on the last one, "Alright we're good, Kona is with Sincy, all my stuff is in the car already, you're still married to me, yep we can go."

Alex shook her head in disbelief and planted a light kiss on the corner of Tobin's mouth, "After three weeks, you still act like we aren't actually married."

Tobin let her fingers trace down Alex's arm before intertwining their fingers, "Because I still think this whole thing is too good to be true and that I'm gonna wake up just to realize it was a dream," she used her free hand to tap one finger on her lips, "But just to make sure it isn't a dream, I think you should give me a kiss." Alex couldn't believe that she married a dork but nonetheless she obliged and gently kissed her wife. Tobin clicked her tongue, shaking her head, "Nope I still think I'm dreaming I'm gonna need another one, Mrs. Alex Heath-Morgan."

"How bout you take a rain check on that kiss and when we land in Hawaii, I'll show you just how real this is?" She gestured to her whole body and started leading Tobin out the door, "Deal?"

Tobin couldn't help but smirk, "Deal."


The flight to Hawaii was a little over eight hours but Tobin and Alex kept themselves entertained with monop-deal, stealing small kisses, and sleeping. Most of the gals were suppose to land today and then they had a day or two to themselves before they had to get to training. The team had the whole month of November off
so most of them spent the month on vacation or with loved ones.


Alex was fast asleep when the plane landed, "Lex, wake up," Tobin shook her gently and eventually her wife began to strike awake, "Back to bed, Toby." Even though Tobin hated that name, she couldn't help but smile when it came from Alex's lips, "We're on the ground, we need to get off and get to the hotel." When Alex finally opened her eyes, she noticed almost the entire plane was already off but before she could ask Tobin spoke up, "I wanted to let you sleep as long as you can, so come on."

Grabbing their carry-ons, they made their way out of the gate only to be swarmed by around ten reporters. Ever since their wedding, they haven't really been in the public eye and even though everyone knew they were together and were getting married, it still seemed like a huge deal especially since the World Cup was over. Tobin protectively wrapped an arm tightly around Alex's waist as they posed for a few photos.

A few reporters wanted interviews but neither one were in the mood to so they politely denied. Once outside, they found their chauffeur and piled into the backseat, "Oh Hawaii, how I love you," Tobin sighed while leaning back against the seats. Alex laid her head on Tobin's shoulder as they started to move down the streets, "Who do you love more? Me or Hawaii?" Tobin laughed at the question and gave Alex a kiss on the forehead, "You, of course, I love nothing more than you."

The rest of the drive was practically silent since both of them were tired and had to mentally prepare for their teammates. Once they arrived at the hotel, they ran right into Jill and Dawn. "Ah one set of the newlyweds, first congrats on the marriage and second, we've decided as coaches to not room you two together."

"What?" The pair responded with.

Jill laughed at the couple's reaction, "Trust me, you two didn't do anything wrong but since there a lot of new call ups, we've decided that we don't there to be a separation between old and new so almost every rooming pair is broken up this trip well except Hope and Kelley are still rooming together."

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