Alaina Jacksin was a typical 13 year old girl, she had big dreams to be a famous singer . When Alaina was in the 7th grade she fell deeply in love wth the guy of her dreams.. Kyle Andreson , the young teens met in school near the end of the year Alaina saw Kyle's breeath taking blue eyes with tears running down his face " Whats Wrong " litttle did alaina know it was kyles last year at the school they talked and eventully said there so longs and carried on. Afterwards, more into the summer break they were re-united over social networking, as they sarted to talk they soon drifted closer into close being the best of friends until the point they were calling each other "babe' and " baby" and telling eeach other the love each other.. they talked some more over time till one day kyle told alaina had a crush on him . July 7th 2013 at a dance for teenagers alaina planned to kiss kyle until the girl alaina hated the most brillie kissed kyle right in front of her .. alaina made a hige mistake that night and told kyle that brillie had herpes and kyle was frightend that he would get herpes too . alaina was heart broken.. Later that night alaina apologized to kyle and he told her he was not mad he wanted the truth and alaina told him how much she loves him and everything was perfect after that .. the next dance the big day the big always alaina screwd it up and chickend out .. and still talked on social networking . The young complicated friends planned to have a big kiss at the dance but alaina ended up being stuck in north carolina .. monday comes in in delaware on the social network mcm meant man crush mondy the girl alaina hated the most brillie tagged kyle mcm forever alaina was in rage at the fact someone had feelings for her true love alaina won the war she was not going to let that slip out that easily . that same night alainas cousin bianca tried to make alain and kyle a couple the truth came out that it as not meant to be a fake love and fake friends. alaina was heart broken alanna was in tears she even thought of killing herself over love but soon she realized it was not worth it ... Kyle felt really bad alaina cried under the covers secretly so no one would know .. but alainas best friend felix made her fell 100 % better the next day alaina and kyler started to talk and everything was back to a typicall friendship