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As the evening sweeps in, the sky's last dying light casts shadows, long and luming from the trees. Leaves littered the floor, the lake, just visible to the right through the trees, a sheet of ice. Winter was setting in, a fallen mulch of sodden leaves on the ground making each tread soft and slightly squishy, by morning they would be frosted, a small pleasure I allowed myself; the seasons competing. The air was still, everything was quiet. Too quiet.

A branch snapped followed by rustling, my head whipped around, the hair on my neck standing on end, my breathing calmed, the last thing I wanted to do was hyperventilate. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a shadow move, the prickling sensation getting worse. The shadow was coming up behind me silent to untrained ears.

"Don't make a sound," a deep voice growled right by my ear. I stopped walking. I almost felt the smirk on his face.

These dickheads never learn. Swiftly without a moments hesitation I planted my left foot back slightly turning as I did and delivering a perfectly executed round house kick my right foot connecting between his beefy jaw and ear. Out cold.

"You shouldn't sneak up on a person like that, you never know what might happen." I informed the heap now at my feet. The man was nearly four times my size! Asshole! As uncarefully as I could I stepped over the crumpled mess, accidentally clipping him around the head with my foot before continuing on my way.

Let me stop here and introduce myself.

My name is Ashlynn Williams, I was brought up in Wonderland, or so it would seem ( The Looking Glass Wars version of Wonderland by Frank Beddor, not that nonsensical bollocks by Lewis Carroll). I was military trained with deadly precision. I'd once worked for the government but due to confidentially I'm not really permitted to tell you about that, so let's just say, I think I was allergic to rules and regulations so I quit.

Needless to say I wasn't brought up in a loving, tight knit family environment, my Mother was not your typical woman, she was hard faced and stern. My Father had been absent in childhood while he'd been working through the ranks to become a General Sergeant Major in the British Army, having served a total of 23 years of his life he decided to leave the army for a "family" life. Which in reality was more of a boot camp than a family home, at this point I was 7. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not bitching, I thank my father for those endless hours we spent doing drills. The sleepless nights we would spend in our dojo in our out building, he taught me kick boxing, karate, ninjitsu, tae kwon do, jui jitsu, mauy Thai you name it, he knew it. And he knew it well. And he passed that knowledge to me. He also taught me to hold and fire a gun when I was 9. By the time I was 10 I was shooting targets from over a 500 yards on any mark he gave me. I was 11 when he gave me my own glocke, by now I was deep into assult rifles but I loved it all the same.

By the time I reached 15 I was an assassin. I don't know how else to describe it. I remember a boy grabbing my ass when I walked by in the cafeteria at school, I had reacted by grabbing his thumb and using his own weight to haul him over my shoulder onto his back on the floor, where I snapped his hand in three places. I guess he thought twice about grabbing ass after that. No guy from school touched me again either.

At 16 I left school with straight A's. I decided not to further my education, I hadn't really needed to go to school at all because my Mother had taught me everything they did and more before I'd even gotten to juniors school. She had once told me I didn't have a first word, it was a full sentence. Or a question actually; "When will Daddy come home?" She also told me she'd nearly passed out when it happened. I was skeptical about the passing out part, like I already said she was very hard faced, nothing ever surprises her.

For the last 6 years I had worked very hard to keep attention towards me to below minimum. I wasn't a girly girl so make up wasn't a necessity, I dressed respectably, I kept myself to myself and didn't get involved with men. Ever. As I demonstrated with my good friend, Mr. Heap behind me, I have good reason to look out for myself. I mean; who comes sneaking out on a lonely lady strolling through the park while its dark? Creeps.

AUTHORS NOTE: Hey all, I don't know how good this will be but it's the first action type story I've written. So I'm exploring my boundaries, tell me what you think and
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\/ ♡AbbieJoy♡ xoxo

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