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‘What the fuck is going on?’

‘Sir, it’s the creature. It’s escaped Sir’

‘Do you have a visual on it!?’

‘No Sir, she … it’s disabling our security cameras’

‘How is it doing that Night Captain, might I ask?’

‘Sir, we think it’s using advanced psychic waves Sir’

‘But it never showed any signs of those abilities in field tests, am I right!?’

‘Sir, yes Sir’

‘So how does it have them then!?’

‘Sir, we’re not sure, but what I need is permission to pull… our men out Sir’

‘What!! Let the thing escape!?’

‘Sir, we are losing valuable men down there Sir. I am trying to lower our fatality rate’

‘Is the transmitter working, Night Captain?’

‘Sir, yes Sir. It seems to have not detected it yet Sir’

‘Very well, Night Captain…. pull our men out, we will track it later on’

‘Sir, yes sir’

‘One more thing Night Captain… send the head of the bio division to my office with all his research, ASAP’

‘Sir, yes Sir’

Two Hours Later in the General’s office, Professor Gregory come face to face with a red faced and swearing General…

‘General, Sir’

‘Ah, Professor Gregory, you took your sweet time didn’t you!?’

‘Sorry Sir, it took longer than expected to download the files you asked for’

‘And what’s your verdict then. Professor? ’

‘Sir …I don’t understand’

‘Do you not now!’

‘No Sir’

‘Well I’ll be fucking dammed! The egghead doesn’t understand! Ha, ha, ha Well then let me enlighten you, your bio pet escaped this facility a little over two hours ago. I ordered my men to suppress their fire on your little dolly!!’

‘I’m aware of that fact General’

‘Are you now? And you still don’t know why I called for you and your files!’

‘Well I…’

‘Silence! I need a tactical edge against your science project, that’s what I want you and your files for, and you have all day to help because as of now, until further notice all experiment, research and everything else is suspended until we catch this … what’s it called?’

‘R.E.D Drone, Sir’

‘Thank you, Night Captain’

‘This R.E.D Drone, as far as we know, it has not detected your transmitter, but we need a tactical edge’

‘Since this Drone is using psychic waves…’

‘What! You seem surprised Professor, didn’t you engineer it for that!?’

‘Well yes, but, but… a field tests came back negative, as well as other tests’

‘Please elaborate Professor!’

‘Well the big ones are; psychic waves, telekinesis, advanced weaponry, advanced motor control, accelerated healing and off the scale computer skills to hack enemy networks’

‘Well you shitheads! You just keep on giving, don’t you, God Dam it! Why the hell did you let this… thing… think for its self!? Jesus Christ!’

‘We didn’t think it would be a problem, it’s only educated to the level of a 15 year old. With no knowledge of sex or the outside world, considering its mind gets wiped after each mission’

‘Well that’s what you though, you stupid sons’ of bitches!! It’s obvious she has been holding out on you guys, you thick can you people be, honestly!!’

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