Part 1: the road to Chicago

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Chapter 1 spring break

It was early morning when James awoke.He found a note on his door.

Dear James,

we have gone on vacation to chicago.

we will be back in about a month

Take care,

"James! pay attention!" Screamed the physics professor

It was 8 months ago when he found that note. He was 19 now, and he hadn't seen his parents since. Lucky for him this was the last lesson of the term which meant spring break. After the lesson James crossed the school grounds and found his friend Zack. James shouted out to him and they began talking about where to go for spring break. Zack was still thinking and James was set on going to chicago.

"Why? Why should we go there?" argued zack

" Because. I want know what happened there." said James.

There was a long silence between the two of them until finally zack agreed they would go to chicago.

Later that night James had a hard trouble falling asleep. Perhaps it was because he might finally find some answers about his parents strange disappearance, or maybe it was just that he wanted some time away from school.

Over the next few days Zack and James traveled on highways throughout California. About three days later they pulled over onto the back roads because they wanted to check their supplies.

A "SCREECH SCREECH!!!" Came out of the nearby trees probably from a large bird, but something was wrong, this sounded as though it was scraping against metal.

"What in the world is that?" asked Zack

"I don't know, and I don't want to find out." said James

But when james looked out the window he saw an odd scaly bird with feathery blue wings, topped with razor sharp talons that looked looked like the could tear off the roof of the car, but for some reason it was the size of a turkey.

chapter 2

To kill a turkey dragon

"GET US OUT OF HERE" James yelled as the large bird swooped in. But when Zack tried to swerve away the bird just turned around at lightning fast speed.

"Nothings working." said Zack

"Try doing a donut." suggested James

Still nothing worked. Then out of nowhere it charged, slammed into the car and made it roll into the ditch.

Then a strange force blew through the car and a window exploded and a rather large shard of glass flew through the air and stabbed right through the turkey dragon's hide.

"What was that?" asked James, his body aching all over.

"Looks like a turkey dragon, but no they're extinct." Zack muttered.

After a number of hours of James passing out and waking up again zack finally admitted "well the car's totaled I doubt it'll be driving ever again "

"How long ya think it is until the next town.?" Asked James.

Although Zack had checked the maps multiple times while James was passed out, he still didn't know where they were. "I think we might be 3 to 18 miles away from the next settlement." Said Zack. This was true but Zack was actually had no Idea whether this settlement would even have a gas station. After gathering all the supplies and walking down the road in the hot blazing sun until finally after about 3 hours they found a medium sized town. "Think we should stay here for the night?" Asked James.

Chapter 3

The town

It was a town in decent shape, although not many people were walking around. Which they found out later was because it was 9:00 at night. They finally found an Inn about 10 minutes later, they paid for rooms and collapsed on their beds after the long day.

They woke to an alarm clock at about 8:00 AM, so they checked out and went to the gas station to pick up some snacks, and they set off across town to find an airport or train station. They found neither of these things, but according to the local townspeople and Zacks trusty map they found out there was an airport about 10 miles northeast of where they were.

Even though  there weren't any planes or trains there, they did have taxi's so James and Zack got one and had the cab go to the next town over. Before they knew it the town was in sight and they were getting of at the air port." Where we going to go next?" asked Zack. Although James had thought this over many times he still didn't have any answer to the question."Well, the way I see it we have two options. Either go back to campus and call it a day, or we can keep going to Chicago."  After a lengthy discussion the two boy's agreed to keep going to Chicago. " Uh, excuse me are there any planes going to Chicago?" James asked to the man running the desk. 

"uh, no but the closest we can get you is the plane to Dixon which leaves in about half an hour." replied the desk manager.

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