So first off a few weeks ago we were in Bible class at school. One of the girls in my class said "Do you think animals go to Heaven?" And Mr.Prideful said "No because they have no soul." So she said "How do you know that? Does it say it in the Bible?" This caught him off guard. I don't know if he thought that we would just drop the answer after he gave us that answer but he sure didn't expect her to say something. He said "No it doesn't say that in the Bible but we are pretty sure that they have no soul. By this point she looked ready to strangle him. I wanted to say "If you can't prove it why should we believe it. But he dropped the subject like it was hot. I do have one more question for him that I want to ask him. If not heaven where do animals go? He might say hell he might say the ground. But what do you think? Heaven Hell or Ground? I think Heaven.
So never be afraid to ask questions. Have a good day!
So long