Halloween party part 1

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Hey I just wanted to let you know that I am soooo sorry I haven't updated it but I will today plus who likes Fifth harmony Work from home i do plz listen to it.
Alison's pov
Eric arrives and takes me to school. He goes to my school so that he can keep an eye on me. Like really? I head to my locker and put in the combination and opening it putting my stuff in it. I feel an arm snake around my waist. I feel sparks. Eric. I smile and turn around pecking his lips. "hey whats up" I ask.
He smiles. "oh nothing its just I - i was- was wondering if you.. I smirked. " awww are you nervous?" He gives a pouty face. "oh shut up missy like i was saying before you interrupted would you like to go on another date with me to the Halloween party?"
I smile and nod my head. He smiles at me and picks me up spinning me around and putting me back down.
"Well I will see you later tonight dress in whatever you want love you ." He pecks my cheek and heads to class. I grab my stuff and head to my class.
~~~~After school~~~~~~
I grab my things out of my locker. I haven't seen Eric scince lunch and before lunch I wonder where he is. I look around he's made a few friends maybe I can talk to mark to see if he knows. Mark is Eric's beta he has a really pretty girlfriend.
I look around till I find mark talking to his girlfriend/mate Melissa. I walk up to him and I tap his shoulder. He turns around and gives me a hug and smiles a small smile.
"Hey what's up Alison?" He gives me a questioning look."have you seen Eric anywhere I haven't seen him all day?"
"I don't know where he is and if I did I would tell you." I groan and thank Matt and walk away to see if Amanda can give me a ride home.
I see Amanda heading to her car. I jog over to her. "Hey Amanda." She turns around and smiles giving me a hug. "Hey Alison haven't seen you all morning where were you?" I hug her back and we both pull away."I was around looking for Eric have you seen him lately?"
She shakes her head. "Mm no I haven't he will come around do You need a lift home?" I nod my head.
"I was also gonna ask that." I hop into the passenger seat and Amanda gets into the driver seat and puts the keys in and puts the car in drive
As we head to my house I tell her all about Eric asking me to the Halloween party and that I needed help.
We get to my house and we get out of the car and rush inside to get me ready for my little date and her ready just for the Halloween party.
~~~~a few hours later~~~~
I just finished doing Amanda's makeup and she looked amazing from my point of view. I look in the mirror myself and I looked amazing also with the Dark Vampire Queen costume.
Amanda had a cop outfit on and let me tell you I put hard work on her hair. I hug her and she hugs back before bidding a farewell and leaves.
A few minutes later I hear a slight knock on the door. I trudge down the stairs and open the door to see Eric standing in a clown costume. For the fact I hate clowns I'll except this hot of a clown.
"Hey haven't seen you around where did you go I needed a ride home." He gives me a sad smile before saying . "I was just gonna give you a ride before I got a call stating that my mother died from a pack of rouges.
I give him a hug that lasted about 10 minutes to make him feel better . We pulled away and he stuck out his arm. " ready? " I nod my head and we head off.
Hey everyone like I said I am so so so so sorry that I didn't update I promise that I will next time.

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