The Healers Sword

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Hi Guys, this is my first story ever, so i hope its not to much of a flop, feedback is appreciated. I have no idea where the story will go however, I am aiming for a PG13 only so just incase the story gets a bit dark. Apoligises ahead of time if my uploads are slow i like to play things over and over in my head before i put it down.

I have decided to change the enemy from the Gauls to something/one named Kronis.



Tiberius POV

It is a cold day, the mist still lingers throughout the camp, and the nicker of the horses from the runs comes to my ears as I walk out of my tent. Lord Tiberius the General requests you in his tent immediately! A young slave boy grabs my attention, thank you Biraci , tell the General I will be with him immediately.

As Biraci runs off to give the General my answer, I move forward towards Marcus’s tents. Marcus and I always laughed at the positions we had inherited, I know what he wants to see me about though, Marcus and I have known each other since we were young boys when our fathers were in the Senate together, we are close like brothers, it is almost like we were born of the same mind. After my father died Marcus’s father took in my mother and me as his wife had died at child birth and he had never had the inclination to marry again. Everything we did after that we did together, classes, lessons in politics, study in weapons and war, always competing to be better than one another.

As I walked into Marcus’s tent I was greeted by the faint scent of perfume lingering in the air and the sound of giggling coming from the bed chamber. “General you requested to speak to me” I spoke loudly, “Tiberius brother, I did not expect you for some time I was just indulging in some of the… finer things of this fair province” Marcus said as he walked out of the bedchamber followed by two young scantily clad women both with long blonde hair and fair skin. I eyed them as they sauntered past me, my eyebrows raised; women were no exception to our ever continuing battle to better one another. 

"Those two sisters, brother are the finest of my spies and are also from a clan of Weresnakes to the East" Marcus smirked  as he came around to a table covered in maps and measuring instruments.

"So you invite them into your bed chamber to thank them for doing your dirty work do you? knowing full well that they could turn on you when a better price is offered?" I ask raising my eyebrows again. The Weresnakes were not the most trustworthy of the Shifter Clans as most were Mercenaries or theives.

Oh well" Marcus says shrugging his shoulders. It is too late now as the job i have asked of them is done and I dont require their services anymore. However Brother news has come to me from the Senate that the Rogue Tribes have started attacking Rhaetia outposts and towns, we are requested to enter Rhaetia and push them back into their own lands regardless of their… situation”.

My mind wanders back to six months ago when we had first heard of the Tribe's situation. A war lord by the name of Kronis believed he had received messages from the Gods proclaiming that he was the rightful ruler to all the Tribes. So had started the war between the different tribes, some being as ruthless and as bloodthirty as they could be, no mercy was ever given. The Senate had decided that the best course of action was no action, and to wait until they wore themselves out than we would go in and take over with the least possible deaths. But now with Kronis’s tribe attacking Rhaetia we had no option but to act. “Tiberius I want you to take your men to the far west and start a sweep of the province going through all the villages and farms to see how far Kronis has come, I want everyone of those blood thirsty mongorels you cross to be executed and their head sent back. We will not tolerate this incursion on our soil” Marcus said with conviction. He was always the one for words…

Antonia’s POV

ANTONIA! ANTONIA! I heard Octavia scream, THEY’RE COMING! “Who is coming little one and why are you so upset” As I bent down to hold the child in my arms placing the basket of wild herbs I had been carrying down by my feet. “The the the Rogues are coming! She stuttered bringing on a fresh wave of tears “The Rogue’s  are you sure?” I said pulling her away from my body to look into her eyes. My question was answered when I heard the War Horns in the distance. Oh No! I whispered and with that I grabbed Octavia’s hand and sprinted back to the village. “This cannot be happening I thought” We knew about the inner tribal wars  were happening  to the North but we thought we would be safe from it, as we were three days hard ride from the border. As the village came into the distance I could see pillars of smoke streaming out of the roof tops, I could hear the screams of the villages and horses alike trying to escape.

I need to find Mamma” Octavia said as she hid behind me clutching my waist. I don’t think we should Octavia we will be killed in an instant, I whispered “Please Antonia! Please!” Octavia begged. I looked down at her. Octavia had been from a large family from one of the villages to the East they had come to live here some years back when their village had been burnt down by one of the Rogue Tribes, all she had left was here mother and three of her brothers, everyone else had been slain in the attacks. They never spoke of what happened back in their village and no one ever asked.

Alright, but you must keep close to me as soon as we find her we get out and run for the next village, Do you understand? Octavia nodded in fear. Ok lets go" and with that we ran for the nearest building.


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