The law cannot force me to become queen, and neither can anyone who enforces the law; anyone else, on the other hand, can do as they please. If I'd realized that killing my father would make me the target of radical Terainians in desperate need for a leader, I probably would have kept a better hold on my violent rage. I was only 13 at the time and I had just watched him murder his second wife. I watched him murder my mother when I was only 6, but I couldn't do a damn thing; this time he wasn't so lucky.
He was the king, I knew that as his first born I'm technically the heir to the entire race, but I figured that they would make an exception because I'm half human and name my eldest half-sister the heir; apparently not. I've got Terainians after me, some want me to lead them because they are rather lost without anyone to rule them all and settle disputes between packs, and others are after me because they want me dead; something about 'keeping the royal line pure' or some shit. The main problem with that is I look nothing like I did when I left the court at 13, so even when one sees me, they don't recognize who I am, unless I shift, of course.
Terainians are shape shifters. They can look human, but their favourite shape is that of a very large wolf. No one could ever forget that their heir is pure white with vibrant sapphire eyes when she shifts.
I won't be their queen, I won't become one of those monsters. I lived in the royal court for 13 years and all I ever saw was death and misery.
They need cyliumis to survive, but they have been ingesting diluted cyliumis for so long that the pure stuff would kill them. Humans absorb cyliumis from the moon, which is actually a chunk of their former planet, Cylium. When the sun hits the moon, it shaves off tiny slivers of the cyliumis which is then absorbed by human skin through moonlight, but Terainians can't get nutrients that way, they have to ingest it. So Terainians periodically eat humans.
That's why I hunt and kill them, while still trying to fly under their radar. I don't have any friends and my only family is my 4 half-siblings who are all part of the group of Terainians that are trying to force me to be the queen. I kill as many of those murderous monsters as I can get my irritatingly small hands on and just hope that each night will end in one of their deaths instead of mine.