Part 1: When Spring Comes

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The song above kinda inspired this story. So credits to them, and also the song kinda shows what direction the story will go in so thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy it! :)


I open my eyes and I look around... I cough a little. The type of cough that needs cough syrup to take care of it. I don't remember what happened I look around no one is near me. I turn hoping to see someone and I do...

My eyes meet a women's she is a bit older, if I was to guess around her mid to late 40s. In a way she reminds me of my mother before the shooting. It's then when I remember everything...

I suddenly relise that this women infront of me, wearing all black, is death. And she has come for me...


It all started during the first day of Spring in 2015.  I woke up like always to smell my mother making pancakes and bacon. My mother never was the best cook, but she always tried her hardest so I never cared if the bacon was rock hard and the bacon was as thick as a brick.

I got downstairs to see my mother over the stove. My father was in his chair at the kitchen table, and my older brother, Kaden, was at his girlfriend's house. Her name is so beautiful, Jade. I'll have to name my daughter after her she is so beautiful. And she really dose love my brother

"Happy first day of Spring my darling." My mother cheerfully said as she came to me and kissed me on my head. "Here eat your breakfast." She said handing me a plate of somewhat nice looking food. Maybe she finally learned to cook, haha. I shouldn't insult her, that's rude.

"I'm sorry Addie but you will have to walk to school today, I have to get your brother and take him to his driving test today." My father announced to me while I grabbed the syrup and poured it on my pancakes. "Oh that's fine Daddy. I'll walk with Jackie and Mac." I said smiling, trying to show that I forgave him.

He smiled back got up kissed me on the head and my mom on her lips. They are two love birds even at the age of forty  my parents will never stop loving eachother. Their love is true love. I want love like that one day.

I finished breakfast and I left the house I walked a block or two before finding Mac and Jackie. The three of us where very close friends. And I was almost one hundred percent sure that Mac had a crush on me. Mac was such a nice boy. Cute and funny, he loved to drink coffee like me.

And Jackie is like my bff, she is so sweet and she's the only one I can really ever fully trust. We got to the bus stop and the bus pulled up we got on. Tiffany and Josh weren't there. There was a rumor going around yesterday that they where going to rob a convince store today.

I wouldn't doubt it. I mean Tiffany did get pregnant at thirteen and another time last year. Josh's baby maybe. Both times the baby was aborted. Poor thing, but they are very annoying they drink, take drugs, and God knows what else. They are so rude and inconsiderate.

Little did I know that across town my father had picked up Kaden and Jade and they had to stop at the convince store for gas. My father and brother got out of the car to go pay for the gas and Jade pumped it into the car.

When they stepped inside three people where standing infront of them. They looked scetchy and they where all wearing black hoods. Once they got to the front of the line all three pulled out guns. "Your being robbed!" A deep voice said pointing the gun to the man at the register. The other two pointed there guns at my father and Kaden, the only two left in the store.

My father, being in the military for a few year knew that he could take these picks on. He ran and tackled one to the ground there was a fight, at one point my father was slammed into a magazine stand but it was all good because my father finally held one down.

"Stop, or he's dead." One of the others said holding Kaden with a gun pointed to his head. "Let him go and I'll let him go..." said the person. My father let go of the person he was tackling. The person holding my brother said "Thanks..." he then shot his gun. The bullet went flying through my brother's head, killing him instantly.

Jade heard the gun shot, she stopped pumping gas. She walked to the entrance of the store, only to be pushed away by the three people in hoods running away. Jade quickly ran into the store to see them. My father and my brother both laid  dead before her...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2016 ⏰

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