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I would like to introduce myself as Tammy Radke. After all, that is my name. My maiden name was Dodge and yes, I did get picked on in school and in my time in the US Army as well up until I met Chris.

But this story is NOT about Chris. This story does have alot of meaning to me and I am sure that I will enjoy writing it as some of you may enjoy reading it.

I am only human. I have been through heartache and pain. I cry. I laugh. I still have my monthly menstrual cycles and I still get moody.

I also fall in love.

I have in the past fallen in love with the wrong guys. My type was after all the "bad boy" type. Those got me in trouble and got me hurt. I was abused physically, mentally, verbally and emotionally. I have made alot of mistakes and don't get me wrong. I am not perfect nor do I strive to be. And I know that I will continue making mistakes but I believe that is the beauty of learning what has happened and moving on.

This story is not fictional. It is a true story. Some places are not mentioned but the places in this story are real. Also certain names will be changed to protect not only my past but to protect them as well. So if you see an * it is the name that has been changed.

So without further notice, I will go ahead and begin my story.

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