The Truth

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Everyday, we just walk around and believe the lies we tell ourselves: too ugly, too stupid, or just not good enough. There is a quote that says, "To love yourself is to understand that you don't need to be perfect to be good." Just because society's definition of beauty is perfection, in no means does that mean we should be it. If we were all the same, or all perfect, life would be pretty dull. This is really easy for me to say, but believing it and putting it into play is very difficult. I find myself asking the question of "who gets to decide who's good enough" or "what is the actual definition of a perfect person?" When people look in th mirror it becomes foggy because all the lies obscure their view of what good lies in front of them. This reigns true for me because I can't focus on what is good about my appearance or my personality, and only on what isn't perfect about me. Although this is a short look into what too many go through in today's society, I just wanted to write three truths that everyone should believe and base their self-confidence on. Number 1: You have a job no one else does, being you. Number 2: One thing you may hate about yourself, someone else may love about you. Number 3: You don't have to be just like everyone else to be good, just be yourself and that's good enough. I'm well aware that just reading something like this doesn't change anything you're feeling about yourself, but I hope it puts things into perspective about how you don't have to fit in, or be perfect to be a great, wondeful version of yourself. As long as you're living YOUR life and the way YOU are, no one should ever take that away from you because it is a true way humans can express themselves and believe in the truths about them.


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