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By: Lee Jones


Crystalia woke with a fright. That nightmare again, she thought.

She had been in the Great Battle and taken captive. She had been taken to a musty old cell. It smelled of death and decay. If one was uncaring for life they would die in at most five days. Yes, it is that disgusting, and for a girl to be trying to survive in it, Impossible.

"Breakfast!" the yell broke into Crystalia's thoughts. The man that yelled must have been the guard, for he wore a gleaming gray suit of armor and a calloused sword hilt stuck out like a sore thumb on his left side.

He had a glittering triangular insignia on the left chest plate.

It was a red cat eye on a black backdrop.

A small iron plate slid under the bars, on it was: an apple, bread,

a meager slice of ham, and water. She stared at it for a few moments,

turned away, and plunged back into her thoughts again.

At home she was treated like a queen; In fact she was the Princess, Princess Crystalia Volt. Given as much food as she wanted! It was the life every girl wanted.

"Not any more!" She cried. Unaware she had said it aloud. The guard looked up and she blushed red as roses. The guard looked at her. Her gallant white dress with the Royal Symbol splayed across her chest. The girl's Brunette hair was long, almost to her waist. The guard, still looking at her, blushed as well and looked away.

"My name is Crystalia, Crystalia Volt." she announced to the man in armor,

"My name is Morin, Morin Kirwan. Nice to meet you Crystal, I . . . I can call you that can't I?" came the unexpected reply,

"Y-Yes you can!" Crystal stammered.

"I think I can get you out of there. But it will take time, lots of time." Crystalia was surprised at the reply. But she decided to eat her breakfast.


"It will take time . . . Lots of time . . ." It repeated over and over again in her head. Why would it take so much time? He has keys! As Crystal thought these words, she dozed off into her state of nightmare . . .


Crystalia woke to the sound of footsteps, she alarmingly ran to the darkest and moldiest corner of the cell. Although she knew her dress would stand out, it was worth a try. Then came a light, a light she recognized, it came closer and brighter and ever closer until . . .

"Good evening!" exclaimed Morin. Not expecting her to be awake, "I believe this is yours?" he asked, while thrusting his gray-glowing fist through the bars. In his hand was Crystalia's Cloch Môr!

"Oh Morin!" she exclaimed, "Where did you find it?" Crystal was so exited about it because when she was taken to her cell, one of the guards had taken it from around her neck saying, "Now, now Princess, quit struggling!"

"One of the men at the Trading Post tried selling it to me." Morin's words gleefully rushed away the image of the sneering malicious guards.

"Th-Thank you!' She stammered, still a little shaken from the image.

"Oh, and it's time for Mid Day Meal." Said Morin sliding the iron plate under the bars, "There is extra bread and a slice of meat there." he said.

Just as Morin had said, on the plate was: a full loaf of bread, meat, and an apple.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2014 ⏰

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