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My names James. James Arthur I'm sixteen years old. When I was little I got into a very bad accident almost cost my life. I was only a boy back then I was in a car with my beautiful mother. I sat in my seat, by the way its my birthday. I was turning 6 I was really happy. As I got up from my seat and started jumping, not knowing the dangers my mother with her furious face yells "SIT DOWN." then my life suddenly changed as my mother lost control of the wheel the car flips.

My vision went black as the last thing I saw was my body flying towards the window. My head hit the windshield and that's all I remember. Except the dream I had. I woke up in a dark place I didn't know where I was but I was laying on the ground where it felt like it was getting hotter and hotter. I felt like I was burning as a red light shined upon in the distance I ran I kept running as my shoes starts burning. I hit the light when all I saw was a tall weird looking man. He had horns and a tail with a creepy pitch fork. As I started to cry he held out his hand and said "here come with me and ill take you to a place where its nice and warm." I didn't know what to do my mind was off the charts I was sweating and the heat was so hot I knew I was going to die if I stood here. I took his hand, as soon as I took his hand I woke up my eyes opened and all I saw was a bright light with weird people looking over me. I heard them say "We got him back bring back his pulse." He saw my eyes open and he told me "Your going to be okay kid."

Hours went by , days as well. Soon I wake up. I saw my dad sitting there his face looked like he was crying a couple minutes ago. He saw me as I opened up my eyes slowly he yelled for the doctors "HE'S UP MY BOYS UP." I saw his face he was so happy he even cried, I never saw him cry. I opened my eyes all the way as I saw a weird creepy shadow of a woman behind him I couldn't picture it out. The doctors ran in and they looked at me and said "if you can hear us nod your head." Tears ran down my face as I nodded my head up and down to signal yes. My father cried even more he grabbed my hand and said "I love you."

I didn't know what was happening my throat felt stiff and I couldn't talk I felt the pain all in my body I looked down and I saw my arm it was gone. I felt my toes in both my legs so I knew I didn't lose those I had bandages all over my body. Tried to move my left arm but I knew it was gone but I still tried but it was gone it wasn't there. I moved my right arm up and down and saw it I was still scared but I was happy that I still had a hand. All of a sudden I start to panic I was scared the doctors they start to yell" its okay calm down." I passed out from all the adrenaline.

I woke up in a dark place again this time it wasn't hot it was kinda cold. I felt like I was floating I felt like I can do anything. I felt like I had full control of my dream and yet I did. I could control my dreams I start walking and then there it was the front of my house. I ran into the front door and checked if anyone was in there, I burst into the door I suddenly stop it was empty. The whole house is empty. I fell to my knees my body dropped. I screams I didn't know what the heck was happening. Until I heard footsteps right behind me. I got up as quickly as possible and looked behind me. It was a man with a black hoodie and the rest was black he had a long stick with a knife at the end top. I froze when he walked all around me . I was frozen until I heard a voice.

"You have cheated death my boy I don't know how and I don't know why but you should be dead, he was there to take you and all of a sudden you disappeared and now you are one that will be haunted, you will need to fight for your life if you want to live, you will see the unbelievable." I interrupted him "What I want go home, I don't get any of this why am I here I want my mom my dad where are they." He yelled with a furious voice " YOU ARE NOT A BOY anymore you are a artifact they will haunt you, there going to come and take you so you have to fight only you can see them, YOU need to run You need to fight for your life if you want to live". I stared at him and he put out his hand and said "Take this its a book only you can read this, but only in your dreams you can read and dot down everything watch out they can come into your dreams and even in real life I don't have anymore time take this read it all the answers are in the book, READ." And he all of sudden disappeared.

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