Quotes from Sweep- Book of Shadows By: Cate Tireman

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Ch. 1

"Beware the mage and bid him well, for he has powers beyound your ken."

~Witches, Mages, and Warlocks, Altus Polydarmus 1618~

Ch. 2

"Beware the witch for she will blind you with black magick making you forget your home, your loved ones, yea even your own face." 

~Words of Prudence, Terrance Hope 1723~

Ch. 3 

"Roam not at night for sorrceres use all phases of the moon for thir craft. Be you safe at home till the sun lights the sky and drives evil to it's lair again."

~Notes of a servant of God, Brother Paolo Frederico 1693~

Ch. 4

"They dance sky clad beneath the blood moon in thir unholy rights, and beware to any who bespy them. for you will turn to stone where you stand."

~Witches, Mages, and Warlocks, Altus Polydarmus 1618~

Ch. 5

"A witch maybe a woman or a man. The feminie power is as firce and terrifing as the masculine power, both are to be feared."

~There are Witches Among Us, Susanna Gregg 1917~

Ch. 6

"They keep records of their deeds and write thim in their books of shadows. No mear, mortal can read their unnatrual codes, for their words are for their kind alone."

~Hidden Evil, Andres Kwertowski 1708~

Ch. 7 

"In many villages, innocents turn to their local witch as a healer, midwife, and sorrceress. I say better to submit to the will of God, for death must come to all in time."

~Mother Clare Micgael, From at letter to her Niece 1824~

Ch. 8

"There exist Seven Houses off Witchery-they keep to them selves, marrying within their clans. Their children are most unnatural, with night-seeing eyes and inhuman powers."

~Witches, Mages, and Warlocks, Altus Polydarmus 1618~

Ch. 9

"Each of the Seven Houses has a name and a craft. An ordinary man has no hope against these witches: better to commint yourself to God then engage in battle with the Seven Clans."

~The Seven Great Clans, Thomas Mack 1845~

Ch. 10

"If a woman lies with a witch of the Aeven Houses, she will bear no child excpet he wills it. If a man lies with a sitch of the Seven Houses, she will bear no child."

~The way of Witches, Gunnar Thorvildson 1740~

Ch. 11

"Nights of a full moon or new moon are especially powerful for working magick."

~Practcal Lurar Rituals, Marek Hawksight 1978~

Ch. 12

"Should you be cought amist two warring clans, lie belly to earth and say your prayers."

~Old Scottish Saying~

Ch. 13

"If you look, you will see the mark of a house on it's progeny. These marks take many forms, but a trained witch finder can always discover one."

~Notes of a servant of God, Brother Paolo Frederico 1693~

Ch. 14

"The King and Queen longed for a child for many years and finally adopted an infant girl. But to their misfortune, the child was destinend to grow enormous and devour them with her steely teeth."

~From a Russian Fairy Tale~

Ch. 15

"There is power in the plants of the earth. in weather, in time, in motion. If you are in tune with the univere, you can tap into it's power."

~To be a Witch, Sarah Morningstar 1982~

Ch. 16

"There is no choice about being a witch. Either you are or you aren't. It's in the blood."

Tim McClellan-aka-Feargus the Bright~

Ch. 17

"In 1217 witch finders inprisoned a Vikraut witch. Yet come the following morn the cell was empty. Thus comes the saying "Better to kill a witch three times than lock her up once" for a witch can not be contained."

~Witches, Mages, and Warlocks, Altus Polydarmus 1618~

Ch. 18

"Forget not that witches live among us as neighbors, and practice their craft in secret even as we conduct honest God-fearing lives."

~Witches, Mages, and Warlocks, Altus Polydarmus 1618~

Ch. 19

"Witches can fly on their enchanted broomsticks, fabricated ont only for sweeping."

~Witches and Deamons, Jean-Luc Belleflever 1817~

Ch. 20

"Men are Natural warriors, but a woman in battle is truly blood thirsty."

~Old Scottish Saying~

Ch. 21

"Anytime you feel love for anything be it stone, tree, lover or child, you are touched by the Goddess's magick."

~Sabrina Falconwing, In a SanFrancisco coffee shop 1980~

Ch. 22

"Beware the witch new year, their night of unholy rights. It falls before All Saints Eve. On that day the line between this world and the next is thin, easily broked."

~Witches, Mages, and Warlocks, Altus Polydarmus 1618~

Quotes from Sweep- Book of Shadows By: Cate TiremanWhere stories live. Discover now