I will tell you the story of Senor Papa Cabeza’s life. First I will tell you about Senor Papa Cabeza’s childhood. Then I will tell about his life after crossing the border and how he got to Alaska. Last of all I will tell the future of Senor Papa Cabeza.
Senor Papa Cabeza came into this world a sad baby. He had no father, and his other relatives all died from Scarlet Fever. At age twelve his mother passed also from Scarlet Fever. He was left to fend for his sister and brother, Senor Frito by the Slim Jim, and Senorita Valley Snapple Ice. Then the orphanage came and took them away. Three years passed and his twin siblings, who were four, got adopted by a lovely American family. They had no room for Senor Papa Cabeza to come with them. Senor Papa Cabeza was now lonelier than he had ever been. As the years passed he got tossed through foster homes and orphanages all over Mexico. Soon he was age seventeen with no family to love him, and no home to call his own. It had been five years since he felt loved and welcomed. Then one night after being moved to another foster home in Coahuila, he sat in a dirt floor bedroom and put his plan in action. He snuck out the window and set out for a long journey to cross the border to Del Rio, Texas.
After illegally crossing the border, he met a nice man with the name of Skinny Jim, who also was an immigrant from Mexico. He helped Senor Papa Cabeza change his name to Senor Taco Bell III. Then Skinny Jim taught him the basics of speaking the English language, and helped him get a job at a gas station in the small town of Dalhart, Texas. He met a nice woman with the name of Senorita Confetti Chimichanga. She helped Senor Taco Bell III to buy a lottery ticket. He was now happier than he ever was. He had loyal friends, a new name; basically a new life where he could start all over. A few days passed after Senorita Confetti Chimichanga had bought him the lottery ticket. They both watched as the announcer on TV announced their lottery ticket numbers. They cried and screamed joyfully. All expressions were spread wide across their faces except, of course, anger, sorrow, and sadness. They met up with the lottery host, who was a rich man with the name of Bill Gates. Then they said their farewells to Skinny Jim and headed for the great frontier, Alaska.
Finally after settling down in their new cabin in the small community of Kenny Lake, Alaska, he got a job as a Spanish teacher at Kenny Lake School. He taught K-6 Spanish and loved it but he wished he had a son and daughter of his own.
As the school year passed he and Senorita Confetti Chimichanga grew quite fond of each other and decided to get engaged and have their wedding with the sixth grade class on the last day of school. They spent the summer on an island in Jamaica and then grew tired of their names so they changed them to Senor Pablo De Salsa Machine and Senora Velma Von Chimi.
They then left to go back to Alaska for a new school year. Half way through the school year they decided to have a little one of their own.
Senora Velma Von Chimi had twins, a boy and a girl. They decided to give them the names of Senor Pablo De Salsa Machine’s mother and father, Senorita Del Huevo and Senor Tomatillo de Verde.
Their kids graduated and went to college and then raised families of their own. Pablo and Velma were proud grandparents and spoiled their grandchildren. They visited them every day of their life until they both were very ill. They both died on the same day and at the same time. They were found in their bed both with smiles spread wide upon their faces. They had lived a long and happy life and will be remembered by the statues in the sixth grade classroom.
Now that I’ve told you about his childhood, crossing the border and how he got to Alaska, and also what happened to him in the future, I can now end the life of Senor Papa Cabeza. You can decide what will happen with his son and daughter, their kids and their kids’ kids. Maybe they will create a time machine and visit their great grandpa. Maybe they will change the past.