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don't you hated when your mom want move to a new county just to be with her fiance and don't even care if you object or not, that's what is happening to me right now, don't get me wrong I love my mom and adore her, but this is to much for me to handle i'm not ready to leave my friends, my best friend jay, my home, even my school behind.

her fiance, Robert, is sweet is and a caring single parent, he has a daughter just my age, she is awesome, she and i are close friends, Robert has a new job in Los Angeles, which means we have to move from our country so he could do his job which is the chief of the surgery doctors, even my mom got a job in that hospital in few months she will be able to be the chief of mothers and children section.

me and lily, my soon to be step sister, are now saying goodbye to our closes friends.

"promise me to call me every day" jay whisper to me.

" I promise " i replied, unfolding my hands from his neck, "godddd, i'm gonna miss you sooo muchhh" i yelled.

" I know i'm gonna miss you to" he hugged me again, he kissed my cheek.

"Izabel , lily , come on we're gonna miss the fight " my mom called me.

I hugged everyone again and finally said our goodbyes to our friends with tears rolling down from our eyes, i couldn't handle it with out crying or having a feeling that i'm not gonna see them again.

 "I love you, and stay safe for me will you?" jay yelled when I reached to the door handle, i look back at him.

 There was also tears in his eyes too, that make me cry harder, " love you too, and i will , don't ever forget me okay?"  I was afraid that some day we won't be best friends any more, or he won't be in my life any more.

 "even if I want to, I will never be able to , you are my best friend no one else" he answered smiling without second thought, i managed to return the smile." bye" with that I entered the car  thinking how life gonna be at my new home with out jay.

we have never got separated ever since we got to know each other which was at kinder garden, he was that cute boy with the huge classes that I adored, ever since we always played together, eat together pick on each other, and loved each other like brother and sister we never had, I'm gonna miss him so much, but i will make sure not to lose touch.  with hat in my mind I dowsed of. 


after a few hours later we finally stop in front a big house , i thought we just stopping for admiring the house or something.

"we are here" Robert yelled with excitement.

"whatttttt" i yelled back opening the door of the car, there is no way we are living here , i mean no way, i looked back at Robert his smile is so big as he helped my mom get out of he car. " are you sure that's our home now"

"hundred percent sure"

"yayyyyy" we looked to see lily already on the front door, we all looked at her with confusing eyes, how in hell did she get there so fast, " well come on I wanna see inside of our new home" she said jumping in excitement, I cant blame here this place is amazing and huge.

"yayyyyy" we looked to see lily already on the front door, we all looked at her with confusing eyes, how in hell did she get there so fast, " well come on I wanna see inside of our new home" she said jumping in excitement, I cant blame here this p...

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