Chapter 1- Moving (Edited)

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That word has always been a part of my life. Well, ever since I was 4.

My obsession started with T-ball. Crying because the game was over, having to go home and wait until the next game day. My love for the sport progressed on through elementary and middle school. Other kids deemed me too competitive and I made little to no friends. From there, I got into elite club teams where everyone seemed to have the same competitive spirit as me.

It is my life.

But wait. Before we get into this story, let me introduce myself.

My name is Julie Stevens. I am 16 years old from Los Angeles, California. Place of big movie stars, big dreams, and big fake boobs.

Oh, was that inappropriate? I'm sorry, let's get back to the story.

Currently, it was the last week of summer and I was packing because I am moving to Boca Raton, Florida. My dad was in the contracting business and just one of the many perks was constant relocations. So, here I am moving for what seemed like the thousandth time.

That being said, I was never able to develop many friendships. People either liked me or hated me. Most of the time, no one really gave a shit. No matter how many people said they would keep in contact with me after our family was relocated, I never heard from them again.

I closed my last packed suitcase and drug it down the stairs. I set it by the door amongst the million of others before I walked back up to my room. I grabbed my purse and threw it over my shoulder. Walking over to the door, I took a deep breath and took one last look at my favorite house ever. I had been here for 5 years, the longest relocation to date.

Closing the door behind me, I walked down the stairs and stared at the mound of suitcases I had to pile into my car.

Oh lord, this is gonna take a while.

My parents, along with the movers had already went down to Florida to make sure everything got there safely and everything was ready for me when I got down there.

After a lot of begging and pleading, I finally had convinced them to let me stay behind and make the drive down there myself.

I know that sounds crazy, making a cross country trip by myself. Sleeping in my car, many gas stops, fast food, same repetitive radio music.

One by one I put all the bags into the back of my car and struggled to get the trunk shut. After slamming that thing down as hard as I could, I took a step back and put my hands on my hips. I looked back at the house that had been mine for 5 years and realized that this was the first place that I had been stretched to.

A sound of a school bus honking snapped me out of my trance and prompted me to look at my watch. It was already 7 am. I needed to get on the road if I was going to make it there in almost 2 days.

As I wiped away the tear that were running down my face, I realized just how much I was going to miss this place. I walked to my car and got in. Taking one final look at the house, I pulled out of my driveway and drove down the road.

Catch you on the flip side LA!


I was about 10 minutes out from my new home. After being in a car for close to 2 days, I have body aches in places I never though possible. I was so sick of fast food and for once I was craving fruit and vegetables. And the last thing? I swear I am never getting in a car again. That's how over this whole thing I was.

It was around 7:30 at night and Boca Raton was looking so pretty. Huge houses, tan boys, shopping malls, and.....

A baseball field.

The Girl on the Baseball Team (SLOWLY EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now