Time is ticking away
and I'm left not knowing what to do
Do I run or do I walk?
Either way won't do!
Sometimes I wish time would just stop,
freezing all the motions
allowing me to breathe with ease
and for one time to actually cool down.
I know..this cant be done
yet I'm still wishing..
The cloud is grey outside
just like my head which is about to break down
just like my heart..
cant take it anymore.
It's too heavy,gotta let out all those burdens.
This world is simply too demanding.
Where is that world that I used to know?
All smiles and laughters
Living everyday without having to worry about anything
Why is it that one have to excel academically
to get the world's acknowledgement?
Why is it that one have all the wealth and fame
to be happy?
I thought all that you need is to do what you like?
Was I not told that as long as I'm happy,you will be happy?
Or time has ticked so much that I'm left behind?
When did that happen?
People say time is money
Sleep is a luxury..
Wow..if this life is already difficult,
how would the next life be?
Something that's commonly called 'Adulthood'
Where whatever you have learnt in childhood
hold no value anymore.
I guess I have no choice but to catch up.
This truth is too hard to bear but I have to live with it.
After all,I'm turning into an adult soon.