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"Do you love me?" I said staring into is starry, teary eyes. Leaning forward and kissing him on the cheak. He smiled. "Yes." The wind blew my hair into my eyes, wiping away me words and his, soaring high above us. "How much do you love me?" I asked playfully, smiling with endurance. "More than a Nebula." He smiled,closing his eyes and kissing my forehead.
Black....that night, the world was black. The screams of children and families trying to escape their fate, as I chose my own. Destroy or be destroyed. The power of the Nebula rushing through my veins, empowering my every movement, a simple punch would take out a city, trying to contain it was torture, and unleashing it was pleasure. He knew, he knew of the power I obtained, and he used me. Used me to fight for the dark side, and destroy the light, destroy my family. I closed my eyes containing the screams of innocent people, listening to their cries of helplessness. I collapsed to the ground, screaming in pain as I saw the flash of horror on my family's face watching me be torn, limb from limb. He fled to my side holding me wishing to the gods that I would recover, nobody knew but him, and I thought I was alone...

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