Oh the joys of highschool

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  It was the the second week of August and the sun took cover behind the angry clouds like a child knowing he just broke his mom's favorite antique. I was staring outside the window when something caught me eyes, it was a boy with dark hair, really dark like burnt food dark kind of dark. "fuck" i swore under my breath as I ran into the kitchen remebering that my mom asked me to turn the stove off after fifteen minutes, thanks to the stranger with balck hair I wasn't gonna get a lecture on how unresponsible I am from my mom. 

                                                    * A month later*

  "For the last time Ivy get up" my mom yelled loud enough to wake up every single kid in our neighbourhood "If you're not downstairs in exactly ten minutes I am not driving you to school"

  " For heaven's sake mom calm yourself down I am up" I yelled as i rolled off my bed making me way to the bathroom and stumbling over the mess on the floor. I stared at the mirror with a blank expression realising that today for the first time in my life I am in a new school, in  a new country and that I am as unready for that as could be.

  I was chewing my cereal in silence when my phone vibrated distracting me from my oh so wonderful day dreaming, I moved my hand lazily over the table to grab the phone and as I did that I managed to drop the cereal bowl all over the table. I sighed heavily realizing that the odds are noway in my favor today. After i cleaned up the mess i grabbed my bag in a hurry and ran to the car where my mom was sitting there with a very annoyed expression.

  " You are not nervous are you?" my mom said trying to start a converstaion " I mean it's your first time in a new school" I could feel a hint of guilt in her voice.

  " Well I am not the one who decided to move all of a sudden to a new country mom" I said with slight annoyance.

  " You know your dad and I really appreaciate what you did, I know it can't have been easy for you leaving all your friends behind" she said ignoring my last comment,

  " Whatever mom" I said gazing outside the window wishing that if I stare long enought I would somehow endup back home at London where I would be spending my third year of highschool with my friends not worrying about being the new kid.

  My attention was brought back to reality when I realized that the car came to stop, I realized that the moment I have been dreading all summer was finally here. I opened the door as I sighed really loud making sure my mom noticed it.

  " Have a good day sweety" she said with a smile full of guilt.

 I waved my hand not looking back at her, I was in no mood to feel any sympathy for her what so ever. After all she's the reason I am stuck in this situatuion. I pushed the door to what at first sight might seem like a zoo but in reality was what they call highschool. I don't know how long I was standing there when I felt a hand on my shoulder, I turned around caught in surprise and almost knocked down whoever tapped my shoulder. It belonged to a guy most certainly around the same age as I am, he had messy black hair, hazel eyes and really pale skin.

  " Oh shit I am so sorry" he managed to say while balancing himself " I've jsut never seen you around here and I thought you looked like you needed help"

  " No need to apologize for my clumsiness" I said picking up my bag that was now on the floor " And if anything I certainly can use some help because I have no idea where I am supposed to go"

  " Woah there, what accent is that?" he said with a surprised look.

  " Oh that, I just moved from Britain this summer" I totally forgot that I was in America and that my accent was far from being normal.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2013 ⏰

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