Part 1

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Damn it! How did he find me? I thought I was untrackable out here! "DRAKE!", I mentally call out to my dragon guardian, "DRAKE HE FOUND ME! I NEED YOUR HELP NOW!" I yelled at him through my mind.

"WHAT! HOW?" Drake replies. he sounds frantic, I guess he also thought it would take longer than a couple days for the dark elf reaper, that has been hunting me since I turned 12 two years ago, to find me again. This particular reaper is employed by some unknown fae who presumably wants to either kill me, or use my draheim abilities for some evil plot.

"I don't know, I was just lying in my bed when he came."

"How? There are no reflective surfaces for him to enter through."

"Apparently he can enter through windows now. SHIT! WHERE ARE YOU HE'S REGHT BEHIND ME!" I mentally yell at Drake while trying to dodge trees as I run.

"Where are you?"

"I'm on the south side of the forest just past the river." I send him a mental image of where I am, making sure not to project my thoughts onto my surroundings as I run.

"I'll open a door to the faerie paths for you in the clearing up ahead. Don't let your mental wall down my Luna. You are almost safe in my arms, where that bastard can't hurt you!"

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