Why is it we give other people advice but can never take it ourself's? For example Your friend says "You are so pretty or I love you" When you say your not feeling loved etc. you din eyed?(I can't spell lol) it and just say "no I'm not". But when you say something to them they say "thank you" or "I know". Don't worry I do the same thing.
I over thing way to much. Like about quotes, what people think about me, how my hair looks what I should do if I have to speak in class(I'm very shy in class around friends I'm loud and very talkive and laughing) what I'm trying to tell everyone is to let it go if you do this 2. Don't worry talk if you feel like it if you don't then dont unless the teacher calls on you don't be afraid to ask things don't be nervous cause you know what? If you have to read or speak everyone else is the same way they don't like it either they hate it & I know most of my Science class does. So take my advice and talk. Talk talk talk make new friends don't let people bring you down.. Let it role down you back because you know what? Not everyone is gonna like you. Just got to let it go and be happy for the people you have around you. Ilysm and stay pretty & stay strong. Talk to me if you need to. I'm in the same spot you are all & I am trying this tomorrow & gonna do it every day. Oh embarrassing moments. My mom? She pooped her pants in the 6 grade & she had to go back the next day! Ha so just remember everyone has them some worst some just a little. Don't let it ruin your day.