The musty smell of dead leaves filled tigerstars nose. Mist obscured his vision. The leaves felt damp under his paws and the trees stretched towards the sky. Tigerstar loved this smell, it smelled like death.He had been told while he was hunting, to meet brokenstar in the meeting clearing. The dark forest is huge. Which meant tigerstar had to travel from one side to the other. He loves it. Trekking through the decaying forest. He was overjoyed to call this wild his home. Not many cats understood his hunger for power. Brokenstar had been one of the only cats to share this feeling, nether of them cared which cats lives it would cost to reach their goals. Even once they died they carried on their mission. To take over the clans.
Tigerstar sat patiently in the clearing. Unlike other forests the birds did not sing. So instead a heavy silence filled the forest, except for the occasional rustle of leaves or a twig snapping. He heard disturbance in the bushes in front of him. Brokenstars dark brown tabby pelt emerged from the leaves. "Hello tigerstar" he mewed in a deep voice. " What do you want" tigerstar replied. "I need you to get me a weapon" he says "a weapon I could use to tear thunder clan apart." He spat, his long fur on end and his hackles raised. I stare into the sky, it's black but the forest is still light, it's confusing but the dark forest is confusing. I don't reply straight away, but eventually I give a evil laugh "My pleasure!" And I turn on my tail straight Into the dark depths of the forest.
Featherstars curse
AdventureWarrior cats fan fiction. I am obsessed with warriors, duh? aren't we all. So I decided to finally make a book (kind of rewriting my friends idea. She only did the first two chapters of her story XD) about my OC, feathermoon. Also I include my frien...