seriously you already know the title if you dont then why are you reading this

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Best title ever right ^ anyways if I had to pick ONE item if I was stuck on an island it would be a magical lamp that
Had a genie in it, and all three  of of wishes would be:

Infinite of wishes and if they said I couldnt wish for that then I would wish I could wish for it

Secound wish ten bucks I dont know mayby im going to go to the dollar store and get 10 items oh and I know what youre thinking WHAT ABOUT TAX dum dum. Well ha I got a genie

My third wish would be a brand new lamborghini with a bookshelf full of knowledge ^-^

Oh shoot I have infinite wishes ok im not going to spend my WHOLE life on this so lets just say that all the other wishes are about me getting paid

Why are you still here? why am I still here? Well I guess ill just ask you a question what if life and death didnt exist what would happen wow I now know what its like to be a hippie the should call me hipkirbygirl wow worst name of 2016 you know what just pleas answer the question before I write a whole book I just realized all of my stories arent even stories I need to go im tired hungery and ... OH NO its a MONDAY SEND HELP NOW .......... I dont know what this is anymore just leave


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